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Implement in Future BUFF NYX QUESTS


Active Member
Pretty self explanatory, nyx quests were added 2 years ago and were sort of relevant back then as the mats were worth spending the time as it was around the same time to grind the mats in gp caves, shrines etc... now they're basically useless due to infested.

SUGGESTION: add more mats to nyx quest rewards or add new incentives to go do nyx quests (i.e new rewards such as xp bottles, cores)


Well-Known Member
Something in general that needs to change with grinding is that certain materials need to be exclusive to certain modes of grinding. I think we have a problem right now where nothing but infested tiles even need to be used (except a little bit of the nether) and this just isn't good for the health of having an interesting grinding system.

My suggestion: Make Nyx quests really good for something specific (like glistering melons maybe?)