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Suggestion Building type: Vault


Throughout the ages, The Outlaws have caused terror on Loka with cannons, limited only by obsidian. With the rise of industries, their technologies have progressed, allowing them to make temporary holes in obsidian. Now towns must adapt with a new industry building: the vault.

Unlike industry buildings, the vault has no level requirements. Vaults have chests that lock, similarly to how doors lock, but have limitations on what you can store. Possible setup is as follows:

-Valuables chest: Half stack of each compressed ore block, half stack of each silk touched ore
block, 1-2 beacons, 3 enchanting tables, 8 anvils, 4 enderchests
-Armor chest: Single chest; 18 slots diamond, 9 other
-Weapons chest: Single chest;Swords, bows, axes, 18 diamond, 9 other
-Tools chest: Double chest; single chest diamond, single chest other
-Building blocks chest: Logs, Planks, Brick, Stone brick, etc



New Member
I enjoy this idea, it really makes sense when you think of what might come with the new industry buildings being implemented!

<3 Outlaws


Well-Known Member
Throughout the ages, The Outlaws have caused terror on Loka with cannons, limited only by obsidian. With the rise of industries, their technologies have progressed, allowing them to make temporary holes in obsidian.
This is the part I like.


Active Member
I really don't know what to say but it sure would be a huge change in the pace of the server and how it plays out! Would need testing for sure