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Capital Policies


Staff member
The following are a list of mostly approved Capital Policies. These are still subject to change and there are still possibly more to be added. As for the original list that existed on the document, some were cut, some were removed for now simply because they would not be as useful as they might be in the future. A good example of this is anything involving the Market.

As Loka grows, the Market will likely grow more useful and at that time we may add Market-based policies back in. However, because they were not likely to be used, we will refrain from adding them as valid policies at this time.

That said, here's a list of policies most likely to make it to the first round:

  • Inflation/Deflation All Town generators cost 20% more/less emeralds overall.
  • Air Defense: Use of Ender Pearls in enemy towns is disabled (if policy not selected, enabled by default)
  • Altruism: Towns level 15 and under gain 50% more xp toward Town Masteries
  • Sanctions: Towns level 15 and over gain 25% less xp toward Town Masteries
  • Higher/Lower Learning: All XP gained in Loka is increased/decreased by 25%
  • Pacification: Difficulty of Loka set to Medium (if perk not selected, Hard by default)
  • Shutdown: Industry Buildings no longer function.
  • Improved Infrastructure: All Town roads now award Speed II instead of Speed I
  • Black Market: A Seedy market area/stall where anything can be sold and sellers are confidential.

-Any town in the Alliance with the Capital will automatically earn the perk: Beacons now allow for travel between Allied Towns (only when you are not being attacked or are attacking others)
Again, these are first-round picks, they may be adjusted and more may be added. Discuss away!
Last edited:


Staff member
  • Updated the Towns under 10 and Over 20 policies to be Towns over and under level 15.
  • Any towns in the Alliance of the Capital will earn the perk of being able to transport between towns with the Beacon by default. This will be an automatically granted perk.


Staff member
  • Amended Ender Pearls perk. Choosing this perk disables Ender Pearl usage in enemy towns. So you can still use them everywhere in the wild and use them in your town (means you won't have a useless level 22 town perk as well)


Staff member
  • Added a new policy involving Town Roads. This will coincide with the new Town Level 16 Perk: Road Building.


Staff member
  • Update the list to the final list as of now. There may be one more addition to the list.
  • Also added names and amended/reworded some stuff so it makes the most sense.


Well-Known Member
  • Black Market: A Seedy market area/stall where anything can be sold and sellers are confidential.
Disabled by default?


Staff member
Just to clear up any possible confusion:
  • Tonight at 8pm, the town with the most territory strength will become capital and will immediately be able to implement the policies.
  • Next month, the territory strength tabulation will be alliance-wide instead of town specific, but this month just goes to the top town.


Well-Known Member
So how is the whole concept of capital going to work next month when an alliance is a whole bunch of towns?


Staff member
The alliance will have a strength as a whole. It will still be a nightly tabulation that adds up throughout the month, but the Alliance as a whole will be treated as a single entity. At the end of next month, the leader town of the strongest alliance will become the capital.

Wild towns will also gain strength and is is theoretically possible that a lone town could win if it had a higher strength than anyone else, alliances included.