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Capitol Hall Interiors


Well-Known Member
I know the idea behind the interiors of the Capitol Halls are meant to be designed by the towns they represent, and I have inquired about why no one does. I believe it was a member of Eldritch, or perhaps Valkyrie, who lamented that they would like to decorate, but it is a pointless endeavor. Their efforts are in vain because the resources they used are deleted after their reign as capitol of their respective continent is over.

My solution to this predicament are pre-designed interiors, one for each continent resource theme, one for each building. Every month each hall would attain the new theme, better representing their victory instead of leaving it hallow and barren. Town owners would still have the option to alter the design as they wish, making the halls more personal and ultimately more grand, the way a capitol hall should be.

Since the admin team are indefinitely occupied, I am offering my service to be the interior decorator (plus I am on the official build team and need an assignment). However I make this thread with the curiosity of the communities collective thoughts. Personally I think having redesigned interiors with free-range to unleash your inner artist is the best option because most creators, like myself, often need something to build their creative work off of. A foundation, so to speak. Besides, even if they choose not to make custom alterations the interiors would still be appealing to admire.

I also have literally nothing better to do since I am currently in the midst of a job-hunt, so I have oodles of time to burn up. I'd rather build something all of Loka can marvel over instead of watching re-runs of cartoons on Netflix all day.


Active Member
I think it's a good suggestion. It's nice if they have an option of decorating their Hall but it would be great if there was something that befit each continent capital as a default rather than leaving it to chance that they'll do it themselves. I've seen a lot of wasted space. +1


Well-Known Member
I really think this is a great idea because the reason of capitals having the capital buildings is to advertise their town and continent. If you need help with this project (not saying that you will) I'm always there :)


Staff member
FWIW, the resources spent on designing the hall are not lost. There was a bug in previous capital days, but that's been fixed and since the last one (31st of March), all the blocks used to decorate your hall are saved and returned to the town owner via their Escrow Chest.

That said, a more elegant default state certainly can't hurt. Also you shouldn't be without things to do for the build team, Magpie needs to get in touch with you about that.

Frankly, another thing that needs thinking about it is what alternate functions a Capital Hall could serve. Just having something to build inside of isn't really attractive to many people. What if you could do something with your Capital Hall. Any ideas?
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Well-Known Member
My current ideas towards at least one of the default interiors is a sort of banquet hall. Perhaps each hall could have a similar theme revolving around cultural celebration.