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Capnes Unban Appeal

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New Member
Hello Lokans, my name is Capnes and I was banned 4 months ago (2/05/24) for Doxxing.

I sincerely apologize to Woppay for what I have said to him and to all the Loka Staff I have disrespected.

My Apology
After I was banned I took a deep breath and realized all the weird, stupid and hateful stuff I would say to people and recognized how messed up I truly was. What I did to work on myself is take my PC away for months. I took a really big break from gaming to work on myself physically and mentally. I hope that can tell you that I have really took time into working on myself. I was in a bad state of mind when I was playing and needed to do something for myself instead of Loka. Which is what I did. So I am very sorry to all I have hurt and offended and hope you know I have truly changed and that we can move on from the past and look into the future.
View attachment 10365Sincerely - Capnes
+1 good guy
Hello Lokans, my name is Capnes and I was banned 4 months ago (2/05/24) for Doxxing.

I sincerely apologize to Woppay for what I have said to him and to all the Loka Staff I have disrespected.

My Apology
After I was banned I took a deep breath and realized all the weird, stupid and hateful stuff I would say to people and recognized how messed up I truly was. What I did to work on myself is take my PC away for months. I took a really big break from gaming to work on myself physically and mentally. I hope that can tell you that I have really took time into working on myself. I was in a bad state of mind when I was playing and needed to do something for myself instead of Loka. Which is what I did. So I am very sorry to all I have hurt and offended and hope you know I have truly changed and that we can move on from the past and look into the future.
View attachment 10365Sincerely - Capnes
+1 nice guy
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