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Ceeew Ban Appeal for Duping

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New Member
I want to start off this appeal by just apologizing. I made a severe breach of the rules and I apologize to all of the staff members whose times were wasted. I will start off my appeal by explaining my bans. My first ban was a one month ban for Bug/Exploit abuse. In September, I was first introduced to Loka by my friends. I had heard of Loka before this but I didn't understand how much of a fun and unique experience the server was. There was a friendly and nice community, daily conquest fights and a good grinding system. Most importantly, I was able to meet some amazing people who I'm still friends with to this day. Two months after I started playing, I was introduced to an exploit that led to my first ban. I abused this exploit for hours on end and ended up with a shulker of ancient ingots and power shard cores. I was given a 1 month ban for this. I returned to Loka on the day of my unban and in the following 3 months, I played on Loka a LOT. I dueled my friends, went to conquest fights and did lots of end ganks. Lothlann, a town which end ganked a lot, soon invited me. This is where I met the people who showed me the dupe that resulted in my final ban. We abused this dupe to get infinite pots and armor, which we used to end gank, resulting in a big influx of duped items in the economy. We also duped shards, with which I bought lore swords, resulting in the seller having ~40k shards which they did not know was duped. After doing a big dupe, we were all justly banned by staff. This was one of the biggest dupes on Loka and caused major damage to the server.

My actions were completely inexcusable but I will share my perspective. When I abused the glitch that resulted in my one month ban, I was new and impressionable and didn't understand the weight of my actions. I was poor at the time and going to the RI felt boring and tedious, so, when I was first shown this exploit, I was quick to abuse it and obtain shards illegitimately. This is a mistake I deeply regret and wish I never made. Two of my friends were also abusing this glitch and I wrongly followed in their footsteps. I hope that provides some insight on my first ban. However, I have absolutely no justification for my second ban. By that time, I was not new. I was not impressionable. And, I understood the full weight of my actions. I had no regard for the rules at all. I caused major damage to the server and staff had to spend weeks of their own time repairing the damage. All of this is very unlike me and I regret breaking the rules. I have absolutely no excuse and this was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. I am genuinely sorry for the countless hours the staff had to waste due to my actions. I am sorry for the damage I caused to the server and I'm sorry for duping.

After my ban, I started playing on other servers, some of which also require grinding. By playing on these servers, I realized the importance of grinding and a stable economy. I also learned the negative effects duping has on servers. When looking back at my actions on Loka, I feel horrible about the damage and negative impact I caused. These seven months off of Loka have helped me understand and reflect on my mistakes. With Winter break coming up, I would love to play on Loka again. I've been keeping up with Loka updates and want to try out Zyre. I promise to never break any rule on Loka ever again. I just want one more chance. If you feel it isn't time yet, I 100% understand. Again, I am really sorry for duping.


Well-Known Member
+1 He's genuinely sorry and he understand the weight of his past actions, I think he is smart enough to realize to not do it again, after doing it twice and seeing it doesnt end well for ANYONE...


+1 He's genuinely sorry and he understand the weight of his past actions, I think he is smart enough to realize to not do it again, after doing it twice and seeing it doesnt end well for anyone
reformed ceew pro end ganker revive him


Well-Known Member
+1 He's genuinely sorry and he understand the weight of his past actions, I think he is smart enough to realize to not do it again, after doing it twice and seeing it doesnt end well for anyone
reformed ceew pro end ganker revive him


New Member
I want to start off this appeal by just apologizing. I made a severe breach of the rules and I apologize to all of the staff members whose times were wasted. I will start off my appeal by explaining my bans. My first ban was a one month ban for Bug/Exploit abuse. In September, I was first introduced to Loka by my friends. I had heard of Loka before this but I didn't understand how much of a fun and unique experience the server was. There was a friendly and nice community, daily conquest fights and a good grinding system. Most importantly, I was able to meet some amazing people who I'm still friends with to this day. Two months after I started playing, I was introduced to an exploit that led to my first ban. I abused this exploit for hours on end and ended up with a shulker of ancient ingots and power shard cores. I was given a 1 month ban for this. I returned to Loka on the day of my unban and in the following 3 months, I played on Loka a LOT. I dueled my friends, went to conquest fights and did lots of end ganks. Lothlann, a town which end ganked a lot, soon invited me. This is where I met the people who showed me the dupe that resulted in my final ban. We abused this dupe to get infinite pots and armor, which we used to end gank, resulting in a big influx of duped items in the economy. We also duped shards, with which I bought lore swords, resulting in the seller having ~40k shards which they did not know was duped. After doing a big dupe, we were all justly banned by staff. This was one of the biggest dupes on Loka and caused major damage to the server.

My actions were completely inexcusable but I will share my perspective. When I abused the glitch that resulted in my one month ban, I was new and impressionable and didn't understand the weight of my actions. I was poor at the time and going to the RI felt boring and tedious, so, when I was first shown this exploit, I was quick to abuse it and obtain shards illegitimately. This is a mistake I deeply regret and wish I never made. Two of my friends were also abusing this glitch and I wrongly followed in their footsteps. I hope that provides some insight on my first ban. However, I have absolutely no justification for my second ban. By that time, I was not new. I was not impressionable. And, I understood the full weight of my actions. I had no regard for the rules at all. I caused major damage to the server and staff had to spend weeks of their own time repairing the damage. All of this is very unlike me and I regret breaking the rules. I have absolutely no excuse and this was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. I am genuinely sorry for the countless hours the staff had to waste due to my actions. I am sorry for the damage I caused to the server and I'm sorry for duping.

After my ban, I started playing on other servers, some of which also require grinding. By playing on these servers, I realized the importance of grinding and a stable economy. I also learned the negative effects duping has on servers. When looking back at my actions on Loka, I feel horrible about the damage and negative impact I caused. These seven months off of Loka have helped me understand and reflect on my mistakes. With Winter break coming up, I would love to play on Loka again. I've been keeping up with Loka updates and want to try out Zyre. I promise to never break any rule on Loka ever again. I just want one more chance. If you feel it isn't time yet, I 100% understand. Again, I am really sorry for duping.
+1 when i was 8 my house caught on fire and as the firemen were trying to put out the fire they realized they did not have enough water (oh no) and ceeew came along and saved the day by duping the nearby fire hydrants and the fire fighters were able to save my house and my dog who was on fire. My dog's name is Figglebottom and I love him very much. This action cemented Ceeew in my head as a hero and an upstanding citizen. This effort goes to show that at times there are positives to exploitation and duping. WITHOUT IT, my Dog (Figglebottom) would not be here with us today and I would go "awe man i miss Figglebottom" but now i dont have to do that because Ceeew saved my dogs life which put a wide grin on my face and I will forever look up to ceeew as an icon, a hero, a legend!!! UNBAN MY BOY! TEEN X BAT GANG OPIUM! UNBAN GANG! :3


Active Member
+1 I have talked to Ceeew throughout his ban and he has really changed his ways for the better, I always see him grinding vanilla servers and reporting dupes/exploits that could impact others gameplays within different servers. Free him up he has learned his lesson


Well-Known Member
+1 I have talked to Ceeew throughout his ban and he has really changed his ways for the better, I always see him grinding vanilla servers and reporting dupes/exploits that could impact others gameplays within different servers. Free him up he has learned his lesson
so mad that you are so humungous on the forums too
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