Opyc Active Member Slicer Sep 11, 2013 #1 Can we get this fixed Attachments 8868418_orig.jpg 15.1 KB · Views: 120 Upvote 0 Downvote
Jedoi Well-Known Member Slicer Sep 11, 2013 #2 Yeah we've been STANDING UP FOR LIKE A MONTH AND A HALF and we really want to be able to sit. When will it get fixed?
Yeah we've been STANDING UP FOR LIKE A MONTH AND A HALF and we really want to be able to sit. When will it get fixed?
Cryptite Elder Staff member Elder Sep 12, 2013 #3 Due to a bukkit/mojang bug it was impossible for chair mods to work until, it appears, about a few days ago. So, that said, chairs are now working again!
Due to a bukkit/mojang bug it was impossible for chair mods to work until, it appears, about a few days ago. So, that said, chairs are now working again!