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Implemented Change resource islands

AIs, Gear, Tools, Trading for Brew mats, and the insanely high price of pearls
The nether and end don't have entry fees last I checked, allowing you to get pearls AND Brewing mats for 100% Free! Considering 1 player can fund your entire town for 2 days in 1 hour of resource mining at 1 of 3 islands, You can quite easily get enough money together for AIs and XP Bottles off of the market or through trading.

The fact of the matter is, RIs have been essentially the prison server you mentioned above before the update. I've heard from many players: "Towns are too easy to run" and I couldn't agree more.

It was either change resource isles to instancing to prepare for a large chunk of new players, or to jack up the cost of territory to where your current stash of diamonds instantly depreciated.

The fact Silverhand and Hilo are still alive shows how overpowered resource isles were.
AIs, Gear, Tools, Trading for Brew mats, and the insanely high price of pearls are some examples and asking new towns or playerbases to hope 1.5 stacks of ore is enough just won’t work out.

You have half the server telling you something needs to be fixed, so obviously there is some work to be done.

Aside from AIs and diamonds for gear/tools. There are a variety of ways to acquire the other items. If you're not diversifying your resource income that's just plain silly, especially when the options are there (and making your life more difficult). Mining for diamonds isn't a one stop shop for all of your needs. It's no secret that there are a NUMBER of insanely wealthy players among the server population and I count myself among them (weird flex I know). That being said, it has literally been so long since I have been to a resource isle that I can't even remember when it was. Best guess is two RI updates ago.

Let's assume your town is fighting a war and is paying the maximum amount of upkeep, whilst averaging 1.5 stacks of diamond ore per trip to the resource isle AND makes use of Fortune 3 to give (on average) a 120% increase in the amount of diamonds. From a single trip, by one player, you would get roughly 211 diamonds. From that you would get 2,532 shards. Subtracting the 1800 for upkeep leaves you with 732 shards. This is one player. If three of you mine, say the three actives required to keep a town alive, you have an extra 5,796 shards in total to do what you want with. A stack of ender pearls is 384 shards. So on your first day you could get 15 stacks of ender pearls OR you could get almost 3 stacks of ancient ingots at 384 shards per 16. If putting all your eggs in one basket just isn't your thing, you could alternatively get say... 8 stacks of ender pearls and 1.3 stacks of ancient ingots. As has been stated, no town or alliance is meant to be funded by a single player. 3 players mining the RI every day for your town/alliance, actively engaged in a war is a very reasonable assumption. I am confused as to how this is not enough? Not every day is a fighting day, and not every month is a fighting month.
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Let's take your worst case scenario here of 1000 daily cost. That's 84 diamonds (12s per diamond, 1,008 shards) to fund your town for 24 hours.

Pretty much all players have reported getting about 1-1.5 stacks of diamonds (64 - 96) from one RI.

Breaking it down:
  • It currently takes one player 1 hour to fund your entire town for 1 day.
  • That's assuming they mined literally only diamonds and no other ores.
  • That's also assuming players did not use Silk Touch and Fortune the diamond ores later for what would be about 2.2x the output of 185 diamonds. This pays for another extra day of the generator.
  • Seagull Shores currently has a daily cost of 700 shards. That's 58 diamonds for an entire day.
  • Your town has 5 actives at this time.
  • Seagull Shores pays the majority cost of all of Best in the West with 35 territories (5 over the maximum, because of World Capital)
  • Seagull Shores' current Town Balance allows it to run without additional funding for 58 days.
  • Seagull Shores is a well established town that has been around for awhile, so the following data is not something newer towns would necessarily have, but that said
    • Seagull Shores' current Stored Wealth accounting only Void Storage is an additional 21,835 shards.
    • Including other containers throughout the town, the final Current Stored Wealth of your town is 176,321 shards.
  • In summation, Seagull Shores could run without visiting an RI or mining anything at all for 310 days.
To confirm, you believe that it is too much of a burden for perhaps up to 2 players having to spend 1 hour on Loka to afford funding an Alliance that is the World Capital of the Server and also has greater than the maximum number of territories for one day?
this nerf isn’t affecting right now, but think about the ai’s, trading, market, and weaponry. New towns have to pay their shards, make new tools, armpit, weapons, trade, and all of that. Comparing this update with a GOOD town is not very fair. We’ve been grinding before this update, so those diamonds should not count in your post. And let’s think about it this way, look at jib, he has shuckers if cores, which he can live in his town for years, but a new town doesn’t, and they won’t be able to do that anymore because of this stupid nerf.
Not going to bother replying anymore to this thread as people are obviously trying to make a joke of my perspective more than anything which is upsetting.
The nether and end don't have entry fees last I checked, allowing you to get pearls AND Brewing mats for 100% Free! Considering 1 player can fund your entire town for 2 days in 1 hour of resource mining at 1 of 3 islands, You can quite easily get enough money together for AIs and XP Bottles off of the market or through trading.

The fact of the matter is, RIs have been essentially the prison server you mentioned above before the update. I've heard from many players: "Towns are too easy to run" and I couldn't agree more.

It was either change resource isles to instancing to prepare for a large chunk of new players, or to jack up the cost of territory to where your current stash of diamonds instantly depreciated.

The fact Silverhand and Hilo are still alive shows how overpowered resource isles were.
again old towns, grinded before, their daily dues are 55, log on 3 people a month, and don’t pay anything BECAUSE THEY GRINDED WITH PEOPLE.
Before I even say anything, what was the problem with the Resource Isle's before? Like everyone liked them, I never saw anyone complain? What made this annoying change happen in the first place and why?
here's what the ris need done (in my opinion). ascalon, kalros, and garama each need a more abundant resource (back to what they used to be). the cooldown needs to be increased to around 3 days-1 week, with the ores spawning being 5-10 times more than previously. this would make grinding much more fun, as you have more resources per ri trip. most people don't go to the ri each day, and that cooldown just doesn't fit the playerbase there is. another interesting idea would be some type of map for the ri to major ore deposits. this might be dropped from the evokers every so often, this could seriously help with the problem of not finding ores, and would grant an advantage to killing the ri mobs, as opposed to running by. another idea is to have some kind of way to lead people to ores themselves. honestly, the ris seem to have more ore in general, but there should also be bigger deposits hidden within side caves that could allow for people to spend more time, and get some more excitement out of the ri. i know that there are many suggestions for crypt, mag, and the rest of the staff to go through, but, hopefully you guys can work it all out.