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No Plans to Implement Choose A Ranked Queue Window For Emerald + Players


Well-Known Member
So at the beginning of each week (every sunday), it makes you choose a ranked queue window that you can play in. Lets say you are EU so you pick the EU queue window, that means you when you are emerald+ you can only queue during the queue window you picked. This way SOME players dont have to wake up at 7am to queue ranked and players that are below 90ms wont have to complain about getting 7 blocked by someone, trust me, when you are not experiencing its not a big deal but when you have to deal with it its the shittiest thing in the world.

There has been so many suggestions about laggers in ranked. I personally only queue during NA hours because there will be most likely NA players. But these kids stay up till 5am and queue ranked. I believe loka admins would agree with me that staying that up late is not okay for you and you should focus on school and irl stuff instead of a minecraft title. I believe this is the best solution for the ranked complaints.

EU players play with EU, NA players play with NA, but if you have no life you can always choose a opposite queue window!!!!!!!!!

lmk ur opinions


Community Rep
personally I would love this as a feature similar to how locking works on loka conquest (you can confirm your lock for the season and then cant change it until the next) +1


Active Member
problem with this is that it doesn't solve the problem; EU's can still choose NA's time to mess around, same with AS and also it would be possible to deny certain people the opportunity to queue with this by coordinating when they queue releative to when said person has their " locked " queue session in.


Staff member
The reason there are two windows is because they represent the 2 peak player activity times of NA and EU.

Remember that the ranked queue windows are presently only for Emerald I and above. Quite simply we do not have the population of high-ranked players to be more free with these windows, and "choosing your own" is only going to reduce the already-small number of players you can queue against. The only thing this would be used for would be to abuse who you are/aren't queueing against.