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Cipher unmute appeal

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Date of Mute: 8/10/23 (239 days/7.8 months ago)

Hello, 7 months ago I was playing on the server with my friend kSleep in vc, and I was waiting for people to gank with. he said something to me in town chat and I jokingly said kill yourself to him, I meant to say it in town chat, however, I forgot to change the channel. We joke like this often, and both of us know we don't mean it and just take it as a joke. I wouldn't say kill yourself to someone I didn't know, or was friendly like that as I am with my friends. I hope you accept this apology because it was just a stupid mistake which was meant to be a joke.


Well-Known Member
One of the kindest greatest best most amazing beautiful people I have ever met. I appreciate the honesty of the appeal, since the more generic thing to do would be just talk about how he "changed" (there is nothing to change as cipher has always been a kind soul and is literally never toxic), but instead he just said the truth. I honestly think using such language even with your friends is pretty bad, but there is a reason staff do not really monitor town chat unless in special circumstances, since they are aware of the fact friends tend to say dumb things to each other.

Overall, I think cipher is a great guy and this appeal is a genuine one. He has some great ideas to share with the world and it is always a pleasure to hear what he has to say, and I think it is a shame the Loka public chat cannot hear these ideas. +1 for my friend Cipher V


+1 love this guy, he is insanely kind and is just there to have fun, although he can be really annoying, he is the type of person you would want as your friend.


Active Member
+1 free him he didn't mean it and also i didn't report him or anything i knew he was joking cause we were in vc


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We are willing to lift the mute but please be aware any further chat violations will result in the mute being reapplied.
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