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No Plans to Implement Cloning or Something


New Member
This idea is to give another use for blood and NPC's on the server.
The idea is to have the players make a very expensive multi-block machine costing.... around 5 vials of blood of one person to make an NPC clone of said player. This NPC, at the expense of shards, would be able to harvest things from you industries and guard your town from raiders. This would also work for hirable NPC's aswell.

This of course is not my full cool vision of cloning of course, its just an idea


Well-Known Member
Building NPCs out of player blood is interesting. You just need to convince people to add more NPCs to town in the first place :)


Well-Known Member
-1, the idea of additonal NPC's for towns has been touched on but needs to be developed further before they consider giving players free reign over NPC's like this