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No Plans to Implement Combine All Islands and Continents


Well-Known Member
There would be issues with this method and it's not exactly what the admin team would consider for various reasons but I believe that in the future change is needed and that's a simple fact.

The argument that resetting a world will create a split in the community frankly bothers me a bit. I can say for certain that as it stands currently Loka isn't really interesting and the worlds feel small, every tile often has some form of ruin it be it large or not and honestly it contributes to this feel of claustrophobia from my experience.

This is coming from a person who has played the server for quite a while and I'm aware of the smaller details and reasons which we have for not changing but with Lokas dynamic it only takes so long before the server itself can feel dry and small.

I appreciate that we as a server community enjoy our history as it reflects the unique spirit of Loka but I just don't think it's worth it as in a sense it does hold the server back from change.


Active Member
I think connecting loka is a great idea. It would give room for expansion. Maybe there is a north pole above Kalros. Maybe there's even a south one under Garama. Is there anything in between Garama and Ascalon? The possibilities are endless.
New inter continental islands could hold new blocks and new resources, and might hide some new PvE content. Since you wouldn't have to take a boat from Aldara to the nether, you couldn't be stalked from spawn.


Well-Known Member
Im for the idea, connecting loka would create more of a close and more interactive experience for its players. First thing I thought of was Westeros. Lively, actionable, lore & history, etc. + 1

Granted there would need to be a lot of things and mechanics would need to be worked out


Well-Known Member
each continent is on a seperate world, letting less stuff being loaded up and lagging everything down

seperate continents add the benefit of easyer updates aswell.

what i suggest is a map wipe with less pvp for claiming territories. Smaller continents and more of them added up as time goes and playerbase grows. Rn the space is too much.

Off continent conquest on balak and riven - has wrecked any point to claim land of other people on continents when you have space to claim it distantly

squeeze everyone togethe


Well-Known Member
Off continent conquest on balak and riven - has wrecked any point to claim land of other people on continents when you have space to claim it distantly

squeeze everyone together

I agree with this statement while balak and riviana were made with the right intentions they currently are a poor solution to conquest for a relatively small population. Now they bottleneck every month into being the same fights against the same people on the same tiles. Im afraid until something changes such as maybe even implementing a nerfed form of beacheads that the server will be on its current downworld spiral of having two fights at the beginning of each month then being dormant for the remainder.


Well-Known Member
This topic made me so excited. And I’m not even an avid pvper. That’s says something.

I’m sorry but before I begin;


The fight for capitol would be epic. With a lot of power houses on Loka fighting for one cap on the continent would make for an unheard of amount of excitement and drive from the player base.Again, I hate to keep referring to game of thrones but it’s similar to everyone fighting for the iron throne.

By towns having the ability to only claim up to 5 territories for a certain period of time before they can claim more would mean on this one continent, every move, thought and plan would matter. Since the strategy in gameplay would increase astronomically. This applies directly to pvp, and etc.

By putting Loka on one landmass has a lot of pros and at the same time there are some cons. However from what I gather from many players so far is that if Loka were to be on one continent, things could theoretically spiral in the correct direction. Not only in the eyes of roleplay, but in the eyes of pvp. Rival alliances, more fights, more lore, more interaction and less continental segregation although it is not meant to be intentional by any means. Shrinking Loka could have a roleplay effect which honestly I would love to be apart of. But at the same time a shrinkage does not mean anything bad. Nor do I personally find it to be a shrinkage at all. I more so see it as an opportunity to unify the player base even more which could raise Lokan player numbers.

However I do have a solution on how it could sustain the resource difference. By merging and putting Loka on one prime continent, putting more rare resource biomes in the center or in more heavily suspected populated areas could lead to more fights, and etc.

*Beachheads are amazing.* Another theory and issue of mine. By removing beach heads it did in a way forcefully segregate continents although that was not the intention. In my opinion; It also took out the realism aspects in the eyes of a predominant roleplay player. (Don’t get me wrong; THERE ARE valid reasons as to why it was cut which I can understand as well) Putting us on the same continent could let formal cross continental enemies to duke it out on one even playing field without having to be worried about only being able to fight so many fights on their home continent. One thing is for sure more fights and more action will be on a one continent theory which keeps the gameplay lively and will make more players play, build, and be more invested into the server since they get fight whoever they want, without having to worry about deleting a town, go to another continent, set up a town, and fight their enemy.

Coming from a builder who put *much* time into builds on Loka, building cities like Valinor (with help), Eldamar (with help), Althuan (spent 4 months on the walls and cleaning out the trees), Katolis (5 months on the city), Mirkwood (1 month clearing out the mountain), I would not object to a reset (AS A LAST RESORT) if builds cant be saved during this merge, that’s even if staff entertains the idea enough to make this a real thing. That’s my personal opinion from someone who has built a lot and contributed to the server over the past years.

Coming from a previous sever that had a massive landmass in one single world, it’s effective, it works and leaves room for administrative expansion when numbers begin to increase through the roof. Players played all the time, numbers were always high, and it was interactive as heck.
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Well-Known Member
The limitations such as 'retain the possibilities of segmenting the server into separate servers to reduce lag' could still be utilized in a continent which was designed to be one map with some work around I'm almost sure.

The origin of this discussion was primarily because I wholehesrtedlh believe that Loka would prosper in an environment with similar terrain to Minecraft with more than one Biome in the game


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
This forum post does not consider the real problem or PROBLEMS with this happening. What about the new players? How would elytra work on this new "merged" world? According to White_Raptor in his DMS with me, he had said that the continents would still be separate with separate powers, there'd be no server-wide domination. But if the continents are still separate it defeats the purpose of combining the continents. The Balak fights would remain the same, Rivina fights as well. White_Raptor had also mentioned strategically claiming territories to choke off Aladra and RI's. How would new players survive in this new merged world? There would be less PVP due to the larger world, there would be less warping and teleporting but it doesn't really change the fact that the continents are still mainly separate.


Well-Known Member
All of this is hypothetical. It’s nice to think about, but the chances of a change this historic is unlikely, although I am a major fan of this realistically I do not think staff will pass this. I do believe however they will be cranking out fresh content as they have been. For them to be hearing the voices of ideas and concerns are also good so they know what the communities mind set is at right now.

Previously to what I said was my brain practically vomiting creativity as to how this “may work”. Again unlikely however the thought of it is quite pleasant in our own heads.