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Suggestion Command for town owners to view their members escrow chests

why not just have it deposit to town storage by default? what reason would a player need pots in their escrow

It used to. Combination of some early bugs with the system and players really just wanting to see their stuff in escrow led to the suggestion to add it as an optional feature. But it does seem like maybe that was the wrong call in the end given the reality of how refunds operate.
if i remember correctly players are able to gank at zyre and use a ton of the towns pots, which go into their escrow, and these players can then leave the towns later on and the pots stay in their escrow. i am pretty sure this is considered town betrayal if the town owner reports it but it should not be possible at all in my opinion.
It does work but you probably don’t notice it, you just notice the refunded ones in escrow because you have to click to send them, so you can see it happening. You still lose pots over time of people ganking because they’re dying with them in their inv or in shulkers, so it feels like they’re not refunding when they are.
Yeah that sounds about right but maybe the sheer amount of people that use pots in my town makes it worse than most others causing me to go through thousands a day
Using town items for their intended purpose is not town betrayal.
using up all of a towns pots at gank isle, then leaving the town without returning the thousands of pots in your escrow is town betrayal, if reported by the town owner. i am pretty sure that is how that works and that i have seen people be reported for it before. town betrayal always favors the town owner and i dont see how siphoning thousands of pots from a town and just leaving with all of them is not town betrayal
i am pretty sure that is how that works and that i have seen people be reported for it before.
People have been reported for this before and I've explained to town owners that we don't consider it town betrayal unless it's egregious and happens in a very short period of time.

Town betrayal is used to stop players moving items out of towns, people being wasteful isn't something we're concerned about and something that town owners should consider. In saying that I can appreciate there is no system currently that allows for town owners to limit how players use VS resulting in an everything or nothing situation.

I think the escrow feature is intended for town members to deposit their pots back into their towns storage
This being on by default for Zyre items is the best since most players ganking might not ever look at their escrow.