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Commoners Perma-Ban appeal


New Member
Hi. My name is Commoners, I was once a hacker who flew around and broke buildings down in Loka Mc. I did this because I was afraid of being beaten by better players. I feel really bad for doing such things, and I also feel bad for hacking in general. I've since then removed all my clients, and I now PvP like a normal functioning being. I loved Loka, it's pretty much the best server to even play on at this point! I want to donate and further progress this place with a YT channel and everything! I hope I get the chance to prove my worth once more to the Lokan Community. I hereby renounce my old ways and I am going to become a new Lokan. Please view this as a apology, and a promise to you all. Thank you for listening.


Staff member
You have been pardoned, but the admins will be keeping a watchful eye on you. Please be sure you are familiar with our /rules.

Your comrade Indimac has been pardoned as well and will be under the same scrutiny.


New Member
Thank you Cryptite! No worries from me, I'm going 100% professional. Thank you for unbanning Indimac as well, as he's my little brother.