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Concerning RP events


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I wasn't here for Sunday but having been told about it by mop and now crypt, it sounds like us guys should probably attempt to tone down the sarcasm etc and general chatter during RP events. I've heard tell of /me being used instead of chat, which was disabled (for a reason...) to an extent where people may even have completely ruined the atmosphere that crypt, asy, and the other people involved with the RP were trying to create. It may seem like i'm being a little... overly sensible here but we don't want to give our wonderful server owners a hard time do we now... ;)


Staff member
First of all, while your post is good at heart, the real and definite truth is that we saw it coming, and you'll never be able to stop it, and even moreso the people that are the main problem will never read this post.

Rest assured, like I said in server just now, for the next RP event that happens, everybody will be completely neutralized if it isn't intended that they should physically participate. We just didn't have quite enough time to figure out how to completely disable everything. It was a learning experience for sure.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i'm sure that you were aware it would happen, and we did discuss it. But perhaps people didn't realise what they were doing and sometimes just putting it out there is the best thing to do.


But think about it: If there was an observer battling someone, would you just sit there silent? No, you would scream taunts...
So yea...


Staff member
Sure, if taunts were even close to a partial majority of what was being said. And I think you and I both know that wasn't the case.


Cryptite said:
Sure, if taunts were even close to a partial majority of what was being said. And I think you and I both know that wasn't the case.
Quote: Prek, if you don't stop, you sak isn't the only thing that will be kicked! End quote.


Well-Known Member
There was way more stuff than that kind of thing newdood. I've had people tell me that there was just general trash flying around the chat through the use of /me, dont even bother lying, crypt has access to past chat records. Basically, we need to be roleplaying alongside the main characters in these events, its not often they happen, we should make them as enjoyable as possible for everyone including those main characters that are roleplaying. It would be way better if we could make a great atmosphere for these events, i know i really appreciated those guys who joined in at the opening of the slicer course and the Ghentis section, such as line and newdood, who really added something to those events.


All I can say is just take away /me for all ranks right before the RP events happen and after they're finished return them.


Well-Known Member
Guys, it really isn't anything serious just take a couple more measures next time if you want people to be 100% muted, otherwise it all good


yes it was only annoying too when people were killing you while you were watching. and you were not starting anything with then..... memerme and psy were two examples.......