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Conquest 3 Policies and Module Discussion


Well-Known Member
Add a visual indicator when the laser is on you. If you are turned away from it, it's sometimes hard to notice until you are already taking a ton of damage. For example give the player Mining Fatigue 1 for a second during it, that way you could see the buff icon as a laser indicator.
God yes please the amount of times nobody calls out who has the laser on them and I realised I was taking damage :(


Staff member
God yes please the amount of times nobody calls out who has the laser on them and I realised I was taking damage :(

They must not use the Loka Sounds Pack, as there's a pretty loud noise for being tagged by a laser :)


New Member
They must not use the Loka Sounds Pack, as there's a pretty loud noise for being tagged by a laser :)
I have all minecraft sound muted. Especially in fights I (and many others) prefer hearing voice chat over the sound of 30 dudes jumping and getting hit.


Well-Known Member
This seems kinda obvious but an Orange Tree mod? Or how about a policy that gives your continent Orange trees. Ok here come the serious suggestions. As a policy for world cap Buffed bonus tiles. Something like the Double behead get's to Tripple or the 3 Pearls instead of 2 or triple dock block, you catch my drift. I'm not sure about how we'd buff Neutral mobs though. And for New Continent Policies I'd suggest an Industry x2 production policy. Which would have to have some modification such as the 2 pearl buff tile doesn't count in that.


Staff member
For those discussing the spectral mod, it should be noted that placing modules on your home tgen was never an intended feature and will be removed in C3. Additionally, the new spectral mod mechanics highlight players that are under 50% health OR charged.


Staff member
I have all minecraft sound muted. Especially in fights I (and many others) prefer hearing voice chat over the sound of 30 dudes jumping and getting hit.

Why? Sounds aren't all on or all off. You can mute player sounds while keeping the more critical sounds for laser modules, golem deaths, charges, etc.


The obnoxious being tagged by a laser noise and all the other noises are a little loud yes, but I would rather have them be loud instead of quiet so you can even hear them when in the useless chatter in voice chats is going on. Usually I have most people turned down and the lead person up so when he says something important I can hear it


This isn't exactly along the lines of what you were asking for, but I'm not a big fan of the core fight.

I believe one of the updates mentioned that you guys wanted a breach to the core to not feel like the end of the fight. I think the abilities and things that happen in the core room are incredibly cool, the animations and different attack patterns feel deadly but are well telegraphed. In my opinion, the reason fights are over once the core room is breached is because the room is small and enclosed. The fight outside the core is intense because people can flee and chase, and because of how tense trying to put a charge into a lamp is. It's not guaranteed. People can knock you out of a corner with a punch bow, and when you have a charge there's a bright particle effect letting everyone know who to target.

Inside the core, there's no limiting factor to how many players can deal damage to the core, there's less strategy devoted to protecting/targeting a "hot" player, and there's no way to stop a player from dealing damage to the core other than killing them.

The lack of limiting factor means that once a town breaches the lamps, every member can take down the core. In the fight for the lamps, a maximum of four people can damage the tgen at a time, regardless of how many participants a town has fighting. Additionally, damage can be dealt to the core pretty much whole time. This means that being inside the core is easier for fights with a large amount of participants, because all of their members can damage the core, and for fights with a small amount of participants, because the attackers don't have to spread out to deal core damage (and because they can't be easily separated from the rest of their town).

While the "damage funnel" of charged players is a great way to slow down fights with a large number of participants, it also adds a fun element of tension, excitement, and strategy. "Get X, they've got a charge" or "Protect X, they need to put a charge in a lamp" makes it really easy to introduce a player to a tgen fight. The core fight is much more complex, and while the tutorial helps, I think that there could be a better solution that provides excitement from PvP instead of PvE (or PvC, player vs core :p).

Finally, I feel an enclosed room just isn't an exciting environment for PvP. The ability to use knockback and modules for the outer section of the fight adds a venue of victory for a coordinated defense. Once the core stage starts, there's no way to slow down the attackers other than being really good at killing them, which can be difficult when there's even more than 4-5 people in the core room. There just isn't a good way to "hold off" or delay the attackers in the core. This is bad for the attackers too; it's far more fun (imo) to organize a "push" for a lamp than hang around in the core room (not that core fight is bad, it's just usually not good PvP). It just doesn't feel as "heroic" as fighting outside does.

But, how do we fix it? Well, I'm not totally sure. I think that bringing part of the core fight outside of the tgen is an important step. For now, I have three examples that fix at least some of the issues, but obviously I haven't been doing this as long as the admins.
  • On the simpler side, put the core fight on top of the tgen. This means that knockback comes into play and generally makes the core a little more defensible. Additionally, it adds back some of the "heroism" because you're repelling a push from the high ground, which contributes to a stronger feeling of "last stand." From an offensive perspective, forcing your way up a staircase is probably more satisfying than trying to sprint through a set of doorways.
  • The attackers have to steal pieces of the core and bring them back to their inhibitor (CtF style). This would continue the excitement of protecting/targeting the "hot" player aswell as limiting who can damage the core at a given time. It would also (probably) be easier to explain to new players.
  • The attackers have to bring bombs/whatever from their inhibitor and attach them to the core. I think this has a nice siege style to it, and you could even integrate pieces of the old fight into it, where the bomb/etc could only be attached during a certain stage of core vulnerability. This has similar benefits to the previous, with a "hot" player and damage funneling.
There are obviously some consequences for these changes, because most of the changes would make the core fight much more difficult for the attackers. Whether this can be balanced by less charges needed for each lamp, shortening/lengthening respawn timers, or something else I'm pretty sure there are enough variables and knowledge among the admins to help balance these changes.

So finally, why? Because I don't feel like the core fight is as fun for either side, and the majority of the time it only serves as a time delay once it is initiated.


On a side note, I have two module suggestions
  • Forcefield. Creates a radius around the tgen where attacking ender pearls (maybe arrows too?) are destroyed. Alternatively, a thrown ender pearl colliding with the barrier would cause you to be teleported to where the pearl contact the edge of the barrier (so, like 4-10 blocks from the tgen.)
  • Lingering buff. Produces a small dragon breath effect around its lamp, and adds a lingering effect to all defending player debuff splash potions. When throwing a splash potion, the standard splash effect still occurs, but this modules adds a lingering cloud of the same effect afterwards.


Active Member
On a side note, I have two module suggestions
  • Forcefield. Creates a radius around the tgen where attacking ender pearls (maybe arrows too?) are destroyed. Alternatively, a thrown ender pearl colliding with the barrier would cause you to be teleported to where the pearl contact the edge of the barrier (so, like 4-10 blocks from the tgen.)
  • Lingering buff. Produces a small dragon breath effect around its lamp, and adds a lingering effect to all defending player debuff splash potions. When throwing a splash potion, the standard splash effect still occurs, but this modules adds a lingering cloud of the same effect afterwards.
the only problem that I see is with the lingering buff. Do you have a way in mind to keep attacking players from using this? Otherwise, defending players could throw a splash potion of regeneration, for example, and attacking players could get regeneration from the pool.


the only problem that I see is with the lingering buff. Do you have a way in mind to keep attacking players from using this? Otherwise, defending players could throw a splash potion of regeneration, for example, and attacking players could get regeneration from the pool.
lingering pot effects only last like 10 seconds at the most, so that wouldnt really provide much benefit, and would actually hinder the defenders due to healthpots becoming lingering and not instant healing as usual, and strength speed and fire res only lasting a few seconds


the only problem that I see is with the lingering buff. Do you have a way in mind to keep attacking players from using this? Otherwise, defending players could throw a splash potion of regeneration, for example, and attacking players could get regeneration from the pool.

I explicitly mentioned that the module would only apply this to "debuff" potions to avoid this issue along with one other. However, it would also be interesting to try it without a debuff restriction because it could add more variables to the meta. Defenders could heal themselves for less potions at the cost of also possibly healing the attackers, and poison clouds could be applied inside the core room, etc. Edit: golems are immune to splash potions

Also, there's no reason that the module also couldn't change the duration of the lingering cloud or its potency. Using the default lingering potion of a debuff would probably be a bit weak, so increasing the lifetime of the area_effect_cloud and possibly the duration of the potion effect it applies seems reasonable.
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