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Consider Implementing Conquest 4 - First Ideas


Active Member
Conquest IV
The Era Of Technology

Hello, This is an idea discussion for conquest IV, Let's start!

- Huge Dynmap Changes! -
1. Realistic Territory / Province Shape
This idea is rather minor, But it'll improve the way the dyn map looks overall, And it'll also make players see loka as more of a serious competetive server which adds challenge, motivation to play and become better.
Here's some examples of this idea.

2. Elevation Map Mode
This one is rather minor too, But it's sort of important for new players to know where they want to make their town, Elevation is important for a towns structure and it can change alot of things in the building process.

3. Show Towns, And structures in the Dyn Map
It would be very cool and amazing to see the player made cities in the Dyn Map and the ruins too since it makes the map look like it has civilization and not an empty world thus making new player towns less isolated and thus making them get contact with other towns.

4. Trade Route Map Mode
This mode would be very useful since this allows all towns on the continents, especially new player towns to trade and interact with the fellow towns on their continent or even on other continents.
Each biome of each respectable continent will have it's own trade route.
If one town controls for example the sunset isles, They control the trade route in the sunset isles too.
New player towns will see the town controlling the sunset isles and will see they have melons and pumpkins, So the interest will increase causing more trading to happen thus making loka's economy much more better.
- Fortifications & Garrisons! -
This is a conquest themed idea, Which will be a huge tide turner for conquest.
The defending side can spawn a wall / fortification around each of their T-Gens, And this fortress will be reinforced so to speak.
To reinforce the fortress walls you need to spend some shards.
Reinforced Tier 1 : Attacking players must break the block 10 times for the block to break.
Reinforced Tier 2 : Now you must break it 20 times to get inside, This isn't the final tier though.
Reinforced Tier 3 : Now the attacking players must break the block 50 times to actually break it.

Now garrisons are turrets that can be applied to the fortress, These turrets can fire debuff potions, or primed tnt like the tnt module.
This is esentially an extra layer of defense for the defending side.
- Placable Structures Mid Battle! -

These are esentially portable turrets you need to build pre battle, And then pick up using it's own custom item, The wrench.
These turrets can be carried in shulker boxes and ender chests,
These turrets have two modes / settings.

1. Player Controlled Aim
The player sits behind it and has the right to aim where ever they want, And target anyone or anything.
To fire the turret you must use the turret controller, Once your sitting behind the turret you must right click the controller and then the turret will fire.
The turret can be loaded with warious projectiles.
Wether it'll be debuff arrows.
Or regular arrows, Or even primed tnt.
The power of a turret is equal to a fully enchanted bow.

2. Automatic Aim
The turret randomly chooses it's target and fires at it.
It's pretty simple, So we'll just leave it at that.

3. Reloading
Reloading your turret is pretty risky, Since you need to expose yourself to battle, As opposed to staying behind your turret.
You must shift + right click the anvils in the turret, Whilst holding your ammunition in your hand.
To put your ammunition in there you must unlock the the anvil using your wrench and when that's done you just put the ammunition in.

4. Turret Cool Down
If a turret has been under operation on the battlefield too much it'll begin to overheat, The fire particle will begin to appear on the barrels, And if the turret is still firing after this, It'll temporarily shut down for 2 minutes.
You can cool the turret down by right clicking the barrels with ice.
And the heat meter will decrease.

5. The Wrench
This tool is esential for interacting with turrets mid battle, And building them before battle.
You need this to lock the reloading function to prevent enemies from stealing the ammunition thus disarming your turret.
And it's also needed to repair your turret if it's over heats mid battle and if you run out of ice.

Picture Of The Turret Below!
- World Seasons! -
This is a very major part.
Seasons are pretty self explanatory.
In Kalros, Summer is temperate and hot, The ice and snow in the northern part of the continent melt, Thus making it a green wonderland.
Ascalon in the summer is much hotter, And sunny, The mountains become green / lush with tree's the forests become wet, And tropical like.
Garama in the summer becomes overwhelmingly hot, And humid.
And at night the desert becomes very cold.

What does this have to do with conquest?

Well, In comes the freezing & heat meter.
If you attack in garama during the summer in the desert all people battling there will be debuffed with mining fatigue & slowness if they come unprepared.
If you're too unprepared your heat meter will go up and eventually you'll die because of the heat.

And if you're unprepared fighting in kalros during the winter.
You'll die because of the cold.

There will also be a temperature meter on the side of your screen showing the temperature of the current biome in the continent your in.
And depending on the seasons too.

And there will also be a cold / heat meter on the side of your screen too.
Well then this concludes my post.
Thanks for reading, Serious replies only! ^^
the only one that I can really be used within the server is the trade route suggestions, I feel like these proposed changes would create even more confusion within the server as it stands currently, that being said I like the outline idea of most of this most. However, for it to really be considered I feel these ideas would need to ironed out and discussed much more, the suggestions haven't covered all questions that would be asked e.g. how would the cold work, would seasons be in Kalros be shorter due to the further North climate?
Back to the turrets and forts, it's already hard enough for attackers to win a fight, adding this would make it impossible. Yes the defenders should have a better chance but you don't want to make it impossible for attackers at the same time.
Conquest IV
The Era Of Technology
Part II

Hello Again, It is time to continue the Conquest IV Discussion Thread.
Without further ado, let's begin!
1. Use of Horses in Battle!

This has actually been discussed in Ajaxan's old Conquest 3 post.
It mentions the use of cavalry in conquest, He said if a diamond sword with all possible enchants dosen't kill a player instantly in diamond armor, Why should it do so to a beast like a horse?
A Horse is armor would no doubt have much more of a defense capability in conquest, And would be more viable if we're thinking realistically.

Therefor, Horse Armor in my opinion should have the ability to be enchanted.
With the same armor enchants as regular armor for players. ( Protection IV, Unbreaking etc )
2. Ability to name provinces / territories and to make individual cities of which foreign players cannot destroy, Just like your capital city within your nation on here.
I believe that nations with the max territory amount should be able to make cities within their own territories that they've claimed so it's all not a useless wasteland, it would mean alot more space, And members of that nation could live in either one of the cities within it.

The ability to name provinces and the cities within your territories would be an amazing thing, And would make each city within your territory unique, And have it's own style.

Each city can be leveled up like your capital city.
Level 1-25
And you'll also get all the same perks.

Here's an example.

> Iblis
> Capital : Silverhand
> Major Cities : SeaGulls, Vinovia, Hilo, NerdNation
3. Peace Treaties & Territory Occupation in Conquest.

Conquest on loka as of now is just annexing territory and neutralizing it.
Which is just not really that complicated, And it isn't complex like most people invision it to be when looking at the loka map.

However, I think /g war delcare should be a thing again, To officially start a war with a foreign nation.
In wars, Both sides can occupy eachothers territory, By doing this they can get any resources from those occupied territories, Including biome restricted ones.
When a war ends the 2 nations cannot attack eachother again for 7 days.
And peace deals can be either with annexing land, transfering rights to gather resources within the enemy, cut relations with one of their allies, or just paying the winner valuebles.

Peace Treaties is the only way to end wars, And resolve things diplomatically.

In the game Europa Universalis IV.
There is coalitions, If you overextend too much it means foreign powers will enter in a coalition agianst you.

And there is also casus beli, Which is a reason to go to war with a foreign power.

In peace deals, You could make the nation your fighting cede cores to their enemies too.
4. Increasing The Territory Limit

This is something that has been mentioned in many other threads, But i'll share my thoughts on it.
I believe there should be an increase to the territory limit, So that conquest and annexing land can be a more frequent thing.
Neutralizing isn't a realistic thing when two nations go to war with eachother.

In wars nation fight to win, to gain something, Nations don't really gain anything besides strenght by neutralizing.
If a higher territory limit were a thing more nations would be fighting for land, money, and to build more cities or conquer other cities.
A Higher territory limit + The Cities you can make would spice up conquest alot.
More nations would border eachother and they would fight to take a city, take land or anything of that matter.
In C2 It wasn't really alot of conquest.
Because there wasn't anything to fight for.
Besides capital.

If you put a nation on the most furthest point in ascalon and another one on another furthest point, they would be unaware of eachothers existence, And they would never attack eachother certainly.

If more and more nations border eachother, they can interract more, conquest wise, and diplomacy wise.

A Territory Limit of 50 for each nation would suffice.
It shouldn't be 50 divided between like 8 nations in an alliance.
Each nation should be able to own 50 max territories.
But it'll be unlikely for them to do that because the cost would be immense.

5 .The Ability For Attackers to siege cities.

This has been a videly spoken topic, And i've been thinking of it alot myself,
Here's my thoughts of the siege mechanic.
And here's where i think the ability to module the T-Gen within your city would come in handy.

1. Attackers can only place blocks outside of walls.

2. Attackers can't break blocks within the city.

3. Defenders of the city will have all city perks, Like infinite pearling, resistance, etc.

4. Attackers will have to take the city T-Gen.

5. Attackers can't open / unlock doors.

6. Siege takes 24 hours to begin.

7. Allies from defenders alliance can warp into the city and help defend.

8. Attackers win by taking over city T-Gen.

9. Attackers CAN'T open chests within the city.

10. Attackers can't use ender pearls & invis in sieges.

11. If attackers win they can seize control of the city and the territory, However will be vulnerable for attacks 24/7 for the whole month.
And the defenders.

Didn't take time to read through 4 and 5 because I'm lazy, but #1 100% let's do it. Also the one about peace treaties is interesting and might be cool.