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Implemented Conquest Modules


Well-Known Member
I feel some modules should be changed so other ones are more viable and there are multiple variations you can use to mod your tgen as of now a few TGEN modules are almost completely useless and never used. Also I feel some of these modules should be nerfed specifically on rivina (laser) as they can become extremely op in a smaller fight.

TNT- Needs a buff, maybe increase the radius with the damage or have it shoot out multiple tnt at once and increase the rate at which it fires
Laser- Needs a nerf on rivina- reduce damage and range and possibly limit the amount of lasers on a TGEN (1)
Vicious Attack- Needs a buff, never used because it only works when a golem teleports to a player and attacks, possible buff would be to make it like debilating aura where if you go for a golem, you get bleeding 1 but this could be very OP

If you have any of your own suggestions feel free to comment on the thread with new ideas
Also found this post Garama made which goes more into depth for rivi modules
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Active Member
Decrease range of laser, it should be like of you go stand on the lamp you get damaged or close too it. Fighting near tgen will not be “impossible” this way.


Well-Known Member
Infestation Goons

red splashes on the ground that spawn beefed up infested tile enemies, or Goons