Well, I gave this thread awhile to stew and see if anything would come of it, clearly no real progress has been made. As is often the case both sides claim to be right and nothing the other side says will convince them otherwise.. Hopefully we can address problems on both sides and give everyone something to work on. For now though, let's take a look at the two most important opinions in the thread.
--------------------------- Crypt's Comments ------------------------------------
This is obviously a flaw of the current Conquest system and is a big part of why C2 will be different in terms of there being objectives for participants in the system even when there aren't any other towns playing.
So clearly Crypt acknowledges a problem here! And they are working on it! And I tend to agree, their should be a way to gain conquest points through other means than fighting other towns. Especially if you consider the way I look at capital (even if you don't agree). Capitals need to live in prospering continents and a continent wracked with constant war isn't really ever going to be thriving. Anyway, the take away from Crypt's saying is that there is a problem, and it's being address. So Skuhoo, your original concern is going to be addressed. That said, stop abusing people in game for not fighting a losing battle. You know as well as I that Hilo + Eldritch is a team that wont be beaten this month.
--------------------------- Magpie's Comments ------------------------------------
I will not stop any win trading, all that can be gained from it is the first 10 wins bonus. I also have little sympathy for those who take down their T Gens just to prevent others gaining points. In my view that is just as bad if not worse. They both act as a way of abusing the system which I hope we can solve come conquest 2.0. Equally I think both Eldritch and Hilo should tone down the taunting in chat. But at the end of the day it's a game with a fair amount of strategic depth and both parties are going about it a different way. As Cryptite said it is the systems fault not any players, since it relies on people placing T gens. But all this should be resolved once conquest 2.0 hits.
So part of a fair assessment is admitting fault on your side if it exist and I clearly even admins view what we did as a sort of rule abuse. But just like win trading they wont stop it. I guess, ironically, these rule abuses even each other out (Note that I never raised hell calling this idea unfair). Anyway, is what Auru did by taking their TGens down kinda cheap? Yes, and I apologize for giving you a false sense of hope that we were ready to 100% commit to a full on conquest war. Our original intention was to remove them if we found we were outmatched. But given what we did go ahead, abuse that win trading. Either way, DO NOT keep abusing people in chat. Keep it to yourself, it was fun at first but its gotten out of hand, you won the Battle of SouthGate (Auru's name for the battle given its placement right outside our southern gate.), good for you, but its over and apparently so is conquest until 2.0.
--------------------------- Summary ------------------------------------
So what should everyone take away from this? Well, most importantly, this thread is a done deal. The problems are being addressed and nothing you say in this thread is going to change a single thing. Auru, Sudkuste, New Ibbish, and the rest will not be putting up TGens no matter what you say. On that same coin flip, no matter how much you tell Hilo and Eldritch to fight each other, they clearly will not be.
Anything else to take away here? Yeah, one more big thing. Stop hating each other
over the game. No matter who's side you're on you should be friends with everyone. We came here to have fun and nothing will subtract from that fun more than actually hating the people you play against. Have fun, laugh, and enjoy the game. If a battle ends, I want to see everyone thanking each other for a fun battle and telling each other it was a good fight. (This isn't directed at anyone in particular, its just a perspective check because even I get too invested from time to time.)
Ok, wrap up the thread and go home everyone. Good game. I hope everyone got some frustration out, but now its time to be friends again. Cheers to Loka and the bright future it has.
And now it's time for me to catch some sleep before the workers wake me up at the crack of dawn to put down hardwood floors...