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Cool Down times seem unbalanced


The cool down between Explosive Arrow and Freyjia's Arrow Are massively different and I believe that cool down times should be re-evaluated for the healing arrow and the enderpearl land mine abilities. Explosive arrows can be shot to damage and blind the enemy team every 25 seconds(does double damage if the arrow hits an enemy Directly). Lunge can be done to leap across the field and increase damage done with a melee attack the enemy every 20 seconds. However, Freyjia's Arrow and the enderpearl land mine both takes 45 seconds each to cool down and refresh. Even though Freyjia's arrow(heals your team and debuffs the enemy) and the enderpearl mine (does damage and knock back) both are strong in their on way, they seem to be majorly hindered by the cool down when you compare them to the Explosive arrow and Lunge being able to be used so frequently.
Discussion is very much appreciated.


Staff member
FWIW, Talents are about to be wholly reviewed with many getting changed, removed, or added.

Ender Charge is basically just a weak talent that is going to be removed, so we're not gonna worry about that one. It is more likely going to be replaced with an AoE Silence ability.

Though Lunge and Explosive Arrow are 5th tier offensive talents, they are weaker than Freyjia's Arrow in that FA has arguably more of an ability to change the outcome of a fight than the former two. Both the offensive talents have extra damage, but rarely change how a fight turns out (perhaps EA just because of the group knockback). That said, I agree with your basic premise in that the cooldown difference between those is perhaps too different. We'll keep this in mind when S4 sees it's new Talents come into play.


Does not seems like S3 would end well for people who rather heal. Well in any case... could the Endercharge receive a cool down more similar to the explosive arrow for the time being. I personally would love to do more votas without having to pick from the typical bow,sword, or shield classes.However, there is no way to compete, against others,if there is no good tier 5 talents associated with the healing tree.