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Crash! We've lost some towns :/


Staff member
Loka experienced a pretty bad crash this morning. In short, it ran out of space and many towns were corrupted. Not all of them, but many. I was able to recover a few from old copies of backups but our main backup has also been failing recently (unfortunately I was unaware of this).

For those of who you are currently with a messed up town; I can work with you over the coming days to fix it. I'm on vacation as of writing this still and don't get home until Sunday afternoon.

What's lost is town data, not town builds or literal chunks and whatnot. We don't seem to have lost the town leveling data, meaning if you remake your town, you can redefine your portal, and you may get your town levels back pretty quick. You will however perhaps need to re-place industries and zones..,

I apologize for this inconvenience. Fortunately, we know how to prevent or at least ameliorate this in the future, but the timing is simply unfortunate on this one. Sorry folks.



Well-Known Member
I am member 1/0 in Avarice which actually appears to no longer exist. No blocks are protected and the generator is not registered. According to /town my home town is still Avarice but I cannot access any commands.

Do I just leave the town and remake it?


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and made a new town but I couldn't name it Avarice. It said that town already existed. So instead I named it "Cryptbbhelp". I'll trust that when you return Crypt you can do whatever magic necessary to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Cryptito plz. I need pearlescent to build my town and time is ticking on this world
yeah mine is screwed up too but if there isnt a world reset no guarantee ill return so if you dont want to mess with it then its whatever