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CynoDead Unban Appeal

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New Member
To the LokaMC Community, I was banned February 7th 2023 for the reason of racism and harassment. This is because I was extremely hostile towards the Turkish community and thought it would be a good idea to make jokes about them. In the almost 14 months since my appeal I have matured greatly as an individual because I was disgusted with my own behaviour and quite frankly I have had to grow up. At the time of me saying these atrocious things I did not realise how these toxic words and jokes could affect other people. The main point of my appeal is once again to apologise to all those whom I may have affected with my words. I know I have said some disgusting things but in the year that I have been banned others have seen the change in the way I speak, once again I will say I have had time to grow as a person and focus on being a more valuable member of society. I would like to once again apologise to the turkish community for these heartless comments and jokes that I have made, I would also like to extend my apology to any others who I may have offended.

Furthermore, I would like to apologise to those who's time I have wasted with my other appeals and those who have had to deal with my actions prior to my ban.

I hope, with time and effort, people on LokaMC can start to see that I have changed as a person. I would like a chance to show everyone that I have indeed changed and I can be reintroduced into the community. All I can ask is for another chance, nothing more. I have barely interacted with anyone from the Loka community in the past few months so I would like to attempt to rebuild connections that I once had with those on the server.
P.S I do not think I have any previous offences prior to my ban.

Thank you for reading my Appeal, I hope you can consider hearing me out and allow me a chance to apologise to any of those that I have offended.


Active Member
I have talked and vced a bit with Cyno after his ban. I can tell you that he has changed a lot and is now reformed
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