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Danksgiving 2018 November 24th


Well-Known Member
Potion 1v1 is just overdone and everyone knows there are only a certain group who can and will win it every time. With iron armor that group isn't guaranteed to win, it would have shaken it up a bit which is very interesting to watch/compete in.
but iT's 3 VEe 3!


I think leaving potions out of the competition is an idea that you guys should definitely keep as an option. While I myself will not be competing, I love watching these tournaments and I think that seeing more than just the usual pvpers compete would be a nice, refreshing change.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mason are there more sign ups that aren't listed? 3 teams doesn't really seem like enough for a tourney.


Well-Known Member
Updates have been made at the bottom of the announcement, along with awards for the victors of the many challenges! These glorious goodies can be yours. Sign up today!
Merchants! The time is here to reserve a stall. If you have any goodies you think could sell well; hats, drinks, pom-poms, sell 'em! The stalls are up for sale for next to nothing. Drop in a bid for them!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for showing up today! We had a good time and we hope you all did too!!!

A big congratulations to our winners! You guys did some fierce fighting out there! If you didn’t get your prize let MasonMcBadBat or I know and we’ll address it as soon as we can!

That said, we do want to apologize for the rough patches throughout. We’re very new to this and there were bound to be some hiccups, so thank you for sticking with us!

Finally, we’d love to hear from you! What did you enjoy? What did you not? Any and all feedback we want to hear it!

Happy Danksgiving from the Dong Dank family!
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Well-Known Member
Thank you all for showing up today! We had a good time and we hope you all did too!!!

A big congratulations to our winners! You guys did some fierce fighting out there! If you didn’t get your prize let MasonMcBadBat or I know, and we’ll address it as soon as we can!

That said, we do want to apologize for the rough patches throughout. We’re very new to this and there were bound to be some hiccups, so thank you for sticking with us!

Finally, we’d love to hear from you! What did you enjoy? What did you not? Any and all feedback we want to hear it!

Happy Danksgiving from the Dong Dank family!
All in all, I was absolutely shocked by how huge a success thie event was. From the stadium itself to the stalls, the ads, the atmosphere, everything was great. Props to Crypt for making that incredibly useful Host role!

In terms of future advice, I'd like to suggest and point out a few things. I think in mamy cases, sections that should have been brief were drawn out immeasurably. The confusion regarding the CoC at the beginning was very drawn-out and confusing to those watching. In the event that participants do not show up, I'd suggest replacing them ASAP rather than waiting.

As for the 3v3, that honestly went very smoothly. I wasn't a big fan of best 2/3 for every match, but to each his own.

Lastly, the Hoedown. This, in my opinion, was not well organized. The idea is nice, but the execution left much to be desired. From a gameplay perspective, whoever goes first is by far least likely to win, seeing as the winner of each match stays to fight again. Going by this, fighting LAST would give you the highest chances of winning, as you only have to win one fight. That's a big difference from the 20+ fights sSteak would have had to win in a row.

Regardless of this, I still feel the Hoedown had a lot of issues. Each person fighting individually would have literally taken an hour+ without any issues coming up. Rules about each fighter drinking before the match were not enforced well. Honestly a FFA, or several smaller FFAs in a bracket, would have served better here.

Again though, I am absolutely stunned by how well this event went, and I applaud Dong Dank for their tremendous effort. The outcome was certainly worth it! Props to DD, and I hope to see more like this in the future!