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Dark Tidings begin this Saturday at 2pm Server


Staff member
The initial RP event kicking off the new world will begin this Saturday, the 12th at 2pm Server time (GMT-5).

This is NOT the actual reset, but the beginning of RP leading up to the reset which is the 19th.

Of course we can't reveal much, but I will say this much; the snapshot of Loka for the Time-Lost Gate will be taken before the event on Saturday. Anything that's built/removed in Loka after Saturday will not appear in the history-version of the world. So if you have any projects you want stored in the history-version of Loka, you have until saturday to finish it.

Go Forth!


I regrettably never managed to finish Eros. However every ending heralds a new beginning. I shall not forget Eros however I shall endeavour to make this new beginning one to remember.

I am going to build a monument just outside spawn to showcase my plans for the new world in the twilight hours of this one. I have been doing a lot of preparation and planning as I have been working on something rather special for the new world. I will share these plans with the community upon the builds completion.

I'd like to thank Crypt and the admin team for their tireless hard work in creating one of the best server experiences I have ever had on my time in minecraft and I eagerly await what is in store for us in the new world!

As we say in Eros:
"Let us chase down the dawn beyond the horizon - where the sun meets the sea. To new lands bound. Over braking waves and tumbling amber clouds. The unknown awaits thee!"
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Active Member
Do item frame transfer in the snapshot for the Time - Lost Gate? I have loads of armor and I'd like to place all of it in item frames on a gigantic wall


Staff member
It's happening! Tomorrow anyway. We have a couple changes to how this RP event will work. After having done a variety of events in the past, we've learned some things about how to run them a little cleaner. As such, here're some things to know about during this RP event:

Note that all of these apply to the event itself and wherever it might take place. These rules most likely will not apply out in the general wilds away from the event areas. So, if you're participating in the event:
  • If you die, you will not drop your gear.
  • PvP between players will be blocked.
  • You may be muted at times in order for our protagonists and antagonists to speak freely and not have their important exposition 'lulzed' over.
  • Mute will be applied to public and local chats as well as /me. Town and Alliance chats will still function normally, so if you spam yourselves, well, you're responsible for your own enjoyment of the event :)
Hopefully these changes will help the event run smoother and cleaner and allow people to get more enjoyment out of it than we've had in the past. If you've been through past events, well, you know.

Finally: Make sure you have your Resource Pack on. This event will be packaged with fun sound effects and MUSIC. If there's ever a time to have your sounds on, this is it! It would probably be most wise to keep the automatic server-resource-pack feature enabled so that you can get the updates when we release them. That said, we'll tell everybody to go get the pack when it's ready for primetime. This will likely occur in the hours leading up to the event.

If you wanna stream you should ;)

Go Forth!


New Member
Arrrghrgrhrgrhgrh I'm going to a frickin' party tomorrow, and I'm going to be gone all day. This is the initial bit? Will there be more? Or am I just going to have to be a sad Tygah and miss it?


Well-Known Member
I hope you're prepared people, tonight we'll see the start of something we haven't seen in years. What fun awaits us, heheheh...


Well-Known Member
I hope you're prepared people, tonight we'll see the start of something we haven't seen in years. What fun awaits us, heheheh...
!!?!!??!???!!!!!???!!?!??!!?!?!!!!!????!???!!??!?!???!!??!!!!?!!!! THIS SOUNDS EXCITING.


Well-Known Member
Alright so my internet broke and now I need to go see if Starbucks or McDonalds will let me hang out on their internet for awhile. Roughly how long will the event be?


Well-Known Member
So does anyone want to volunteer to fill their town with a few thousand TNT after the world is saved? :D