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Death messages


Active Member
I suggest we remove death messages, as it would add a note of realism and would make for more interesting/creative PvP scenarios. Support or not, be civil and cordial in this thread.
fak u fartagan

I rather like death messages, but it would be good for some if the PvP messages were removed, adds more mystery :D
mopb3 said:
fak u fartagan

I rather like death messages, but it would be good for some if the PvP messages were removed, adds more mystery :D

Agreed: Instead of having
'stupidguy99 was slain by hax0r42'
We could just have
'stupidguy99 was slain'
It WOULD be rather helpful during inciting wars to remove it, although it'd be easy in a community to kick someone out by saying, "Derpfacemcgee killed me!" or whatever, resulting in a loss of perms.
Magpieman said:
i like death messages

But mag, you provide your opinions on this matter without the support of formal reasoning or citations of your extensive research! :P
Artagan said:
Magpieman said:
i like death messages

But mag, you provide your opinions on this matter without the support of formal reasoning or citations of your extensive research! :P
I concur, you really do have a habit of just posting your opinion with no evidence or anything to back it up Mag, shame on you :P
I didn't have time earlier so i just wrote that quickly. I don't have strong views either way to be honest, but i don't really see why we would need to change it. I do feel though it can help keep track of players from an admins point of view, so if the same person is harassing someone else by repeatedly killing them. Or if someone keeps dyeing the same way, it could be a bug that needs addressing or someone trying to abuse a bug like boating through a wall etc. Then if we see it as suspicious we can tp to them and see exactly what they are doing.
Bring back Herobrine messages from dispenser kills!

That was such a funny prank last Halloween.
thelineguy said:
mopb3 said:
fak u fartagan

I rather like death messages, but it would be good for some if the PvP messages were removed, adds more mystery :D

Agreed: Instead of having
'stupidguy99 was slain by hax0r42'
We could just have
'stupidguy99 was slain'

i like this
Eh, either <name> was slain or no death message at all is good for me.
Magpieman said:
I am struggling to understand why people want death messages removed.

To add more realism to raids. When you kill someone irl it isn't announced to the entire world... at least until it makes the news. But that's the point.

Either don't get caught or do what you need to do before the server finds out.
Makes everything more... mysterious
When we say death messages i *think* we mean the murder ones. All the other drowning, falling, burning, cactus ones are fine.