Age: 16
Current rank: Settler
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: To serve justice where necessary for example, temp-ban griefers with a warning, mute spammers, etc
Why you think you should become this rank: I'm often on the server so can deal with anything if no admins are on, help out as much as possible with admin work by getting memrme to come on when there are spammers and no admins. memrme will also vouch for me to become sentry
When you started playing on the server: Late December/early January. I come on the server for about 7/8 hours a week
Time zone in relation to GMT: 0, (I'm from England
How often do you play (hours a day/week):I come on the server for about 7/8 hours a week, i'm starting college next week so i'll be on more often than mopb3 as he still goes to secondary.
Current rank: Settler
Which rank you are applying for: Sentry
What you think is expected of this rank: To serve justice where necessary for example, temp-ban griefers with a warning, mute spammers, etc
Why you think you should become this rank: I'm often on the server so can deal with anything if no admins are on, help out as much as possible with admin work by getting memrme to come on when there are spammers and no admins. memrme will also vouch for me to become sentry
When you started playing on the server: Late December/early January. I come on the server for about 7/8 hours a week
Time zone in relation to GMT: 0, (I'm from England
How often do you play (hours a day/week):I come on the server for about 7/8 hours a week, i'm starting college next week so i'll be on more often than mopb3 as he still goes to secondary.