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Suggestion Decor Salesman


Staff member
I think it'd be pretty cool if there was an NPC at spawn who sold a ton of custom player heads resembling of aesthetic items for shards. See here for a bunch that would be amazingly useful in detailing builds.

I know a map salesman was also planned, but I'm sure this would be many times more useful and probably easier to implement as well.



Staff member
Provided the referenced skin player accounts don't change, this would be very cool.
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Staff member
So I did a bit of testing, and as far as I know the texture will never change and the command will never have to be changed.

This is the command to get the "Barrel O' Wheat" decorative head:
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Barrel O' Wheat"},SkullOwner:{Id:9fb68969-ed0e-d5d1-4705-1cf99c887a68,Properties:{textures:[{Value:eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0MzQ5NDg2NTU5NzYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjUwNzk4YjJhN2QxYjQxYTRiNmFlYzRiNWUwOWJjMTcxIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJFbHN3ZXlyIiwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzJmNjMyYjkwMzI2NzQ2MTkzMmEzYzU4YzU4YzJlYTY5ZWZiZWMwNDU1YzQ0M2UzYTUyYzRjMjNlOTM4MjVlIn19fQ== }]}}}

This is the command to get the "Mug O' Mead" decorative head:
/give @p minecraft:skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Mug O' Mead"},SkullOwner:{Id:e780b87e-f9d4-83d9-41f9-9344f15e92e7,Properties:{textures:[{Value:eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0MzQ5NTE4MjY0MDYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjUwNzk4YjJhN2QxYjQxYTRiNmFlYzRiNWUwOWJjMTcxIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJFbHN3ZXlyIiwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL2YzYzIzYzdmNDQxOTUxMzIzZWEyNDBmYWRiMzVjNmQ1Yjc3ODEyYjBjNTY2ODM5MTRkYzdlZDgyNmU0NTQ3In19fQ== }]}}}

Even if you replace the Mug O' Mead's SkullOwner tag with the UUID found in the Barrel O' Wheat's command, the altered command will still give you a player head with the Mug O' Mead texture. So the player head's texture is entirely dependent on the texture tag and not the SkullOwner's value.
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Well-Known Member
So I did a bit of testing, and as far as I know the texture will never change and the command will never have to be changed.

This is the command to get the "Barrel O' Wheat" decorative head:

This is the command to get the "Mug O' Mead" decorative head:

Even if you replace the Mug O' Mead's SkullOwner tag with the UUID found in the Barrel O' Wheat's command, the altered command will still give you a player head with the Mug O' Mead texture. So the player head's texture is entirely dependent on the texture tag and the SkullOwner's value.

I agree that this would be an amazing little decorative part of Loka! I would really like to see this implemented! :D


Old One
Staff member
Old One
This is already in the works. We plan to add some of these as new unique resources that have custom effects. Some will remain as simply decorative.


Staff member
This is already in the works. We plan to add some of these as new unique resources that have custom effects. Some will remain as simply decorative.

That's sound great! I'd also like to point out that this author has a bunch of other head collections found here. Personally, I'd love it if the bee keeping and candle collections were added, but the conquest and farming collections would probably fit pretty well too.

The candles could give off light and the bee hives/apiaries could give off some particles mimicking a swarm of bees. There's so many possibilities!


Well-Known Member
So many cool ideas, I'm definitely excited to see what comes of this suggestion.


Well-Known Member
If we added bee hives would it be possible to collect honey from them?

I'd love honey but what would you use it for? I guess you could go all pooh bear on it and stuff your face but that seems like a rather negligent use of the idea. Too much time for not enough return basically.

Wax on the other hand, now that would work really well especially with the candles. If they made light you could use wax and a torch to make a candle. Also, you could use it for any number of other uses. Wax was used for everything from hardening leather armor to strengthening thread . Lots of possibilities!


Well-Known Member
We could use honey for the brewing plugin. Technically mead is made using honey and sugar, so it would be more accurate. Honey could also be used for special food recipes like cakes or pies. I think it would be really cool at add custom food recipes to develop the cultures of towns by using resources found in their region. For example, Makosa could have a beef stew recipe using steak and wheat. That would be really cool if you ask me. Every town could have their own custom recipe as a reward for reaching a certain level. Perhaps unlock more as they level up.


Well-Known Member
We could use honey for the brewing plugin. Technically mead is made using honey and sugar, so it would be more accurate. Honey could also be used for special food recipes like cakes or pies. I think it would be really cool at add custom food recipes to develop the cultures of towns by using resources found in their region. For example, Makosa could have a beef stew recipe using steak and wheat. That would be really cool if you ask me. Every town could have their own custom recipe as a reward for reaching a certain level. Perhaps unlock more as they level up.

Yeah that's a bunch of awesome uses. I could see this being a very very cool addition to the server. Is it currently possible to brew stuff besides regular positions though? I heard it wasn't currently possible.


Well-Known Member
I think it'd be pretty cool if there was an NPC at spawn who sold a ton of custom player heads resembling of aesthetic items for shards. See here for a bunch that would be amazingly useful in detailing builds.

I know a map salesman was also planned, but I'm sure this would be many times more useful and probably easier to implement as well.


Yeah I tried this out in a single player world and they look great!!! If we add this I would like you to add cotton!




Old One
Staff member
Old One
Brewing plugin is out of our control. It's a third party plugin that has stopped being updated. There has been talk of someone trying to update it but all we can do is wait and hope.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
That's sound great! I'd also like to point out that this author has a bunch of other head collections found here. Personally, I'd love it if the bee keeping and candle collections were added, but the conquest and farming collections would probably fit pretty well too.

The candles could give off light and the bee hives/apiaries could give off some particles mimicking a swarm of bees. There's so many possibilities!
Yup all the collections are being considered :)


Well-Known Member
as far as i have followed the developers, they are fixing it. It should be here within a month or less.