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Suggestion Delete your name in ranked

It will make it harder and less pressure for example

In a ranked game you know you cant beat this player and you fought him outside of ranked and you know you will lose

just make it so you cant see the players name until after the fight to feel less pressure.


Active Member
I mean, seeing the name really helps to know the enemy's play style and to be able to play in a different way and counter it, but if it really helps other people not to see the name, they could put an option to toggle it in /profile.


Well-Known Member
I mean, seeing the name really helps to know the enemy's play style and to be able to play in a different way and counter it,
This ^
just make it so you cant see the players name until after the fight to feel less pressure.
Fight the fear and become the fear. Strike fear in others hearts with purely your minecraft skin and IGN...


Well-Known Member
personally i like to play without name-tags and armour colour entirely, makes things more interesting.