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Suggestion Elytra Limitations


Active Member
okay, basically on garama and other continents you are not allowed to use elytras because evil tyrant jakeman5 says no and his alliance is capital of garama so I have came up with some solutions

If you are friendly to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You can fully use your elytra without any issues

If you are Neutral to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You can still use your elytras but it has the same effect for elytras in the nether (burning)

If you are Hostile to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You just can't use elytras.

another idea that i thought of was a taxing system but that will never be implented


Well-Known Member
I'm curious can you still fly or were you able to fly if the Alliance had you marked as friendly? I can't recall exactly. (curious)


Active Member
I'm curious can you still fly or were you able to fly if the Alliance had you marked as friendly? I can't recall exactly. (curious)
You would have to be aligned friendly towards the alliance in order to have no limitations in terms of elytra use.


Active Member
okay, basically on garama and other continents you are not allowed to use elytras because evil tyrant jakeman5 says no and his alliance is capital of garama so I have came up with some solutions

If you are friendly to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You can fully use your elytra without any issues

If you are Neutral to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You can still use your elytras but it has the same effect for elytras in the nether (burning)

If you are Hostile to the alliance that owns the capital you are on currently: You just can't use elytras.

another idea that i thought of was a taxing system but that will never be implented


Well-Known Member
u cant fly if ur friendly at all only allies.
k thanks was just wondering

i dont think this should ever be implemented, if you pick nofly your friendlies should suffer equally to your enemies, it's meant to be opressive and used as a harsh policy one that you'd usually lose votes over, it should remain that way