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Implemented Ender Chest Placement On Conquest


Well-Known Member
Before a while, you were not able to place any kind of blocks near conquest buildings in conquests but shulkers were added as the only exception since it's annoying to go long distances to refill, and you should be access your things without going long distances. So I was thinking why Ender Chest shouldn't be another exception? Especially most of the
people have this problem at Rivina fight since you have to be quick and fight with your team. I don't see any problem with adding this feature. That'd just make LIFE easier.


Active Member
+1 please, i was defending once and I was trying to place my echest because I needed something from it, we had one charge left but I said "I'm gonna go place my echest" I went over and placed it, then I saw someone kill the golem. We lost because of that echest... so yes plz add this