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Suggestion Endgame suggestions


Well-Known Member
Loka is love. Loka is life.
This thread is not about Argus2stronk.

Please, oh please, dont let it die. I am going to play here as long as it is ever online. Its sad to see all the admins and players going inactive. Just sharing a few ideas of how to adress some of my concerns in the end game aspect.

  • Aliances.
  • Other Sidegoals
  • Advertising and Donations system
  • Stealing and raiding from towns.
  • Questing
  • Not abandoming this project that Loka is.
Currently alliances are too stable. Too long they can stay the capital.
My suggestion would be to make capital being throned every day?
I still remember the days when each town was on its own in Tgen fights. Those days were fun.

With this i am aiming my toughts of everything being more unstable, more spontaneous. more dramatic.

Maybe make an Alliance be max with 3 towns only? More interaction. More alliances.

If an Alliance is destoryed completley, to 0 tgens, in a week, It would not stay a capital for 3 more weeks.

Other Sidegoals
After The town has become capital... What then? They rule it... Maybe being a capital could be a challange itself? Currently it mainly gives only perks, but what if it gave danger too? Or a challanging and rewarding 4 enderdragon boss fight quest. With low dragon egg drop possibility. The End would no longer need to be resetted of what the current end is. Capitals would get the eggs.

Advertising/ Voting and Donations system
Advertising is something Loka really needs. We are not stimulated enough to vote for the server... 10 iron ignots per vote. Maybe if we would make that each vote would count as 50 ,25,20,10 or 5 cents Towards donation perks? like, if i vote 100 times, it acts like i have donated 5 dollars. 1000 times (3 years on loka
: D ) - Boom, i can have a custom horse. Or a bit sooner...

We could rank our voting up that way. More votes - more players playing - More players voting and donating.

And the Advertising - We, the advertisers need a signature banner of Loka. and a Drop page.
A signature image of information, that we could put in our signatures in all kinds of forums, and just posting posts in other forums would advert us. Advert us and drop the new players in the drop page - information page about everything what loka does. Easly overseeable.

Stealing and raiding from towns
Stealing and raiding was a thing. It was too dangerous and too spontaneous. Many hated it and thatswhy quitted. Many say that it should stay, and even tnt cannons to come back....

But what if it all does happen.

What if we could build a /g territory town weakness inhabitor or something like that.
It would give a town a day or two to destroy it, or people could enter it. It would push people to have active members to destroy the inhabitors.

Griefing would not be a thing. The town would automaticlly repair its blocks just like in territory land repairs itself. But people could tnt enetrances and finally steal from each other. Raids would again be a thing.

Lets face it. Even with raiding, there were more people on.
Everything is too safe now. Territory fights dont give us any other town items.
There is no way i can make other players to lose their gear or valuables.
They can only boil in their ritches and be more ritch.

Questing Could become a thing. Every player could once or multiple times do a quest. Together with other players or alone. Started by the player that is doing the quest, others just helping and interacting.
Id explain this in another thread.

Would love to see mobs with custom levels, custom healths, custom weapons and stuff.

Please. oh. please. dont just leave loka. its so unique. It can become big. it just has to survive this lack of players.
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Active Member
More roleplay and server lore would be something I'd love to see on Loka. I've thought about maybe starting a "Roleplay Night" thing, but it would be kind of tricky between my timezone and life. Also, some roleplay events would be great. Seriously, Crypt or Aegon or whoever, just create an idea for an event, call me and some other players to help set it up, and we're off. Roleplay events are just so unspeakably awesome, we need more.