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Consider Implementing Eu Loka


Staff member
We chose to move Loka to Montreal when we upgraded the box both for the better overall hosting as well as better and more stable connections to both US and EU. The New York corridor constantly has ping instability issues due to congestion as well as often being the target of large-scale DDOS attacks which can hurt everyone hosted in the area.


New Member
-1 even as an EU player I don't think this is enough of a problem to need a whole new server
You have been playing for a really long time and have gotten used to it, new players just aren't and will quit the server because they lag. Not having an eu host cuts off the vast majority of new eu players since very very few will go through the effort of getting used to this


-1 EU Players can handle it, this server is american dominated. I enjoy it with 100ms you need to get use to not everything is surrounded by you. Us EU are a lot smaller then the americans and i rather deal with it as a minority then the majority deals with it, you can still get kills etc. None of the EUS i brought in complain about lag since it isn't a issue.


Active Member
I'm an EU player and if I'm honest I don't really care about the ping what so ever I get 90-100 and that's fine , I can still pvp like everyone else and the disadvantage is hardly noticeable some may even argue the high ping is a advantage.


New Member
It's understandable that those who already play are against this. But even if you don't care about the lag because you've gotten used to it or just don't care, wouldn't you like to have most if not all the fights happen with you having the chance of joining without going asleep too late? Again, this suggestion isn't meant to divide the community, even tho you've said on your own that europeans are a minority so it wouldn't be divided as much. This suggestion, if implemented in the future, will make the community grow even more, since you'd get back those who've left and you'd have the normal growth a server like loka could have. What i mean with this is that when a gamemode is competitive, people call others to group up, even just for fights, increasing the need of farming leading to recruiting farmers or simply playing more. Also loka already has a name and videos, trailers, montages have already been made so it would be easier to get new players
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New Member
We chose to move Loka to Montreal when we upgraded the box both for the better overall hosting as well as better and more stable connections to both US and EU. The New York corridor constantly has ping instability issues due to congestion as well as often being the target of large-scale DDOS attacks which can hurt everyone hosted in the area.
and yet i still get 1000 ms on loka


Well-Known Member
I wanted to quickly add onto this. I think it is great that you are trying to show that there is interest from the EU players. I think the best thing that you can do right now to rationalize adding an EU proxy (which seems like the best option) is to keep showing Loka to new players. The more players that consistently play along with the more donations that come into Loka the more feasible the idea of a proxy is.


New Member
Hi, i've actually talked in private with cryptite about a proxy, but as he said those generally makes traffic worse. There are alternatives that do indeed reduce a bit the lag and make the server in general more stable, but as they said earlier, those are pricey. And even if they were to be added they might shave off 10-30ms, which would surely help but i don't think they're nearly enough. Also the timezone issues won't be solved, so i'd actually rather having to wait a little more and get the whole thing instead of the proxy being added. It was also already added for a while but they got removed. Also quick update on the petition, we are now 85 in the discord


Well-Known Member
Hi, i've actually talked in private with cryptite about a proxy, but as he said those generally makes traffic worse. There are alternatives that do indeed reduce a bit the lag and make the server in general more stable, but as they said earlier, those are pricey. And even if they were to be added they might shave off 10-30ms, which would surely help but i don't think they're nearly enough. Also the timezone issues won't be solved, so i'd actually rather having to wait a little more and get the whole thing instead of the proxy being added. It was also already added for a while but they got removed. Also quick update on the petition, we are now 85 in the discord
just saying, you noted that timezones were an issue but Regional Power and Best In The Souths current vulns and recent fights are perfectly suited for europeans.