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Implemented Exact ping display in duels (and ranked)


With Loka hosting players from across the world, I believe a feature such as this would be a welcome addition to the duels system. It would at least let people know what they are going into before they start fighting.

(example here)


Well-Known Member
+2, if you are duel/ranked warrior you know you should play different for each ping level such as, slow crit, strafe Etc. Might be useful to see what you facing with 😀😀


Well-Known Member
-1 the mystery makes it exciting
the mystery of the type of lagger is exciting, are they gonna fly away when i hit them then rubberband back? or will they take no kb and then proceed to land 3 crits in 0.2secs after freezing in place?


Well-Known Member
the mystery of the type of lagger is exciting, are they gonna fly away when i hit them then rubberband back? or will they take no kb and then proceed to land 3 crits in 0.2secs after freezing in place?
the suspense of landing the first hit not knowing if that person is gonna move backwards instantly, with delay or not move at all