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Famous Lokan Quotes

"It cut out again. Jesus Christ, Discord." -Xovious

"Don't use the name of the Lord and Saviour in vain." -SaporiumIV

"Discord is the Lord and Saviour?" -Jedoi, Benged, Xovious.
"I was talking to my brother about a project in single player that used a lot of wool and I said I'd like to make it on Loka sometime and he asked where I would get that much wool and I meant to say 'people sell wool. Laz's sister has a lot of wool' but I was reading something and I started to say what I was reading and I accidentally said 'Laz's sister has a lot of legs.'" -Jedoi

Don't let this get the best of you....


Are you fucking serious... Why must the gods forsake me! - Alch