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Suggestion Fissure and Cove should not use wood.


Fissure and Cove should not use wood. because people can escape faster thanks to the wood and there is no method or tactic that can be used against the wood, and traps are placed to prevent entry, which makes it difficult to avoid traps.
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Fissure and Cove should not use wood. because people can escape faster thanks to the wood and there is no method or tactic that can be used against the wood, and traps are placed to prevent entry, which makes it difficult to avoid traps.
jusr bow them down


Well-Known Member
the user had logged on after a hard day of 6th grade learning, the core of subtraction was a grating experience and a challenge to master but never to less he preserved finally reaching his home after the day and all he wanted to do was gank on loka he logged into loka Minecraft his filled shulkers dyed cyan ready to fight and just his luck, 1 victim was outside of the PvP safe zone. His eyes went wild seeing a glimmer of PvP in his distraught life and instantly buffed and pearled on him but his soon to be prey was more cunning then this master of the craft he pearled up the cliff and then the user went white in shock, seven oak planks were placed bridging up the cliff and escaping from him instantly his shock turned to frustration and anger and he couldn’t see straight. He raged throwing his keyboard against the wall but in a moment of lucidity he had it, “I’ll just make a forums post to disable wood in gank isle”


bro efficiency 5 diamond axe basically instant breaks? like what are you on? this is by far the goofiest forums post ever brought to loka. thank you for your suggestion, we should honestly remove pots as well from loka. being able to pot makes it so you can stay alive longer making it easier to get out. also armor should be disabled because you take more damage without it. honestly rigby we should just make loka mc a creative smp server. thank you


Active Member
disable block placement, block breaking, shields, kb, bolas, pearls, str2, regen, steak, pork, mutton, golden carrots, ais, unb3, p3-p4, crystals, tnt, axes, shulkers, ender chests. These items all prolong fights and make the game stale


Active Member
disable block placement, block breaking, shields, kb, bolas, pearls, str2, regen, steak, pork, mutton, golden carrots, ais, unb3, p3-p4, crystals, tnt, axes, shulkers, ender chests. These items all prolong fights and make the game stale
ermmm actually strength 2 makes fights faster for your information