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Flxzen unban appeal

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Active Member
Ban Reason:Account Sharing/Ban evading
Ban Date:11.19.23

Hello dear lokans and dear loka staffs some of you guys might know me or dont.Im flxzen and im here to talk about my ban history and all the truths behind my ban history.I am sincerely saying that i did these things willingly and intentionally, and i am aware of my mistake.

1.“Using Xray”
So i started playing loka frequently last year on march and i was new so i said in my mind “Why dont i xray ? Its easy to grind ores and earn some cores with xray” Then i xrayed while sharing screen on a discord server and there was a friend who betrayed me from my behind and took a screenshot of me while xraying in garama ri and reported me.
And im thankful to him because i got banned for a month or 2 weeks i actually dont remember but i never xrayed anymore from that date because i was scared to get banned again.

2.Hacking/Cheating blatantly
In june 2022 i got banned for “Hacking/Cheating blatantly”.So in june all of the turkish people was having 150 or 160 ms on lokamc and i was having 155 ms too and all my spanish friends having low ms but less knockback so i got tired of dying to my spanish friends like Devilman and etc i wanted to cheat and became same like them.I only wanted to use reach and velocity (I was using meteor client)when i logged on to loka i dueled my friends to test the cheat and it was working so i got excited and wanted to kill people on zyre so i went to my room took my stuff and headed my way to zyre.When i first dropped from the airship i saw some people and went on them to use the cheat but THE CHEAT WASNT WORKING!? So i died in that gank too.Then i went zyre again to try the cheat again because the cheat was working in duels but not in zyre.Lokamc has an insane cheat detector so when i was about to drop from the airship i got instantly banned from lokamc.

3.Ban evading(I alted)
In july while i was banned from lokamc because i cheated and there was Asgard Festival and i was planning to spend all my cores on festival to buy some mystery shulkers or try my chance on giveaways to get lored swords but i was banned so i couldnt spend my cores.So you know what i did instead of letting my friends spend my cores for me? I did some bullshit and i alted.I didnt want to wait to get unbanned and i alted can you imagine how stupid i am?I opened a account named imnotghayimsus.I spent all my cores on my alt and i didnt got a thing all i got was lots of empty shulkers and i dont remember that much but i went to some wars and ganked some people on my alt.I should've wait to get unbanned and never alted because i was banned for a month it was a stupid idea.

4.Account Sharing/Ban Evading
In november i have made my lifes worst mistake and im gonna explain everything.So while i was playing loka i was obsessed with the server and i was worrying about my future and my exams like college exam and other exams so i wanted to quit loka and come back when i made high score on my college exam.My friend batuusta35 was banned from loka so he asked me to give him access into my account to log in to loka and play for a while and build for our town(he is builder and a duper) and in my mind i was like "If i give him my account and if i get banned there wont be any problems because i can study harder than now" and then i gave him my account then he played for a while but one thing i didnt know that he was DUPING in my account but he didnt even tell me that he was duping cores ender pearls etc.So i know sharing account with a banned people can damage server alot but i wasnt thinking this much damage i swear on god i only thought he was going to build not dupe because he is a builder and when i asked him about his ban he told me he saw someone telling how to dupe in public chat on loka he tried it then got banned.And by the way they were keeping this as their secret i learned about the secret 3 months after my ban.

And here is list of my alt accounts;
5.Possumis(or possimus i dont remember ign)

Im not finished i want to apologize to magpieman because i lied to him while i was alting and made my alt get unban and to everyone who i have ever been toxic to.


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New Member
Onu ne kadar kısa tanısam da çok iyi bir insan olduğunu düşündün bir daha yapmamak için özür diledi umarım birlikte oynama şansımız olur dostum.+1


Active Member
Terorist sympathizer. He is saying "i don't wanna see woman who doesn't wear hijab if i see i ll cut her head".


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New Member
-1 toxic + alted 5 times with hacks
  1. Doomsday user sayin 'hacks' LMFAO
    • dont talk too much if you don't want everyone to know about your best friend's alt account
      you know as well as I do that Flxzen is trolling these things.
    • its diabolical that you try to fool the elders because they dont know whats going on in the country.


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Active Member
  1. Doomsday user sayin 'hacks' LMFAO
    • dont talk too much if you don't want everyone to know about your best friend's alt account
      you know as well as I do that Flxzen is trolling these things.
    • its diabolical that you try to fool the elders because they dont know whats going on in the country.
I think I've stated over and over that I don't care. How can even the use of this as a meme? How it possible to be a joke for saying "let's cut off woman heads"? + i already banned LOL


Active Member
Are Hezbollah and HUDA PAR the same?
However, the association was closed down by the Diyarbakır 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance on the grounds that it "acted in line with the purpose of the Hezbollah terrorist organization". Thereupon, this time, in 2012, the decision to become a party was taken and the "Hür Deva Partisi", namely HUDA PAR, was established.

LOL yeah its a meme


Active Member
It's not nice to misrepresent these things, we both know it's just a meme
Memes are meant to be funny. "Joking" about these types of things is NEVER ok, and from what I have read here it was not a "meme". I honestly don't understand how you can defend someone like that.


Active Member
-1 you've alter way too many times, and plus from what I have read here you are incredibly toxic and should not be anywhere near loka.


Well-Known Member
Well if you just alted in the zwexzy or something like that account i think you shouldn’t be unbanned
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