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It was another rainy day within Loka as Opyc stared out of the window in the newly finished windmill within Albion. "So empty....." he said with a sigh as he climbed down to go into the rain.

"So much space.... So incomplete.... so blank...." he mumbled on as he moved into the sapling of Yggdrasil a wonderful tree that hasn't reached its full potential yet.

As he ventured through out the town he saw more unfinished incomplete works. He ran into Hip as he was walking who had his sword with him tempted to kill Opyc for head #73.

"What wrong Opyc" Hip asked from atop his villager farm. "Did you fix Osiris east?"

"No I have not..... No drive to," as Opyc walked away. "I need to see a foundation of the castle or else the drive is gone....... Its just not there anymore." As he stumbled into his hermit home of a smelter.

"All it will take is a foundation.... or some progression," as Opyc left.