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Fwishhy Unban appeal

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New Member
IGN Fwishhy

Banned: July 22

Reason: Doxxing

1st Appeal https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/fwishhy-unban-appeal-v1.6316/

Hello, this is my second appeal. I was banned 22nd of July 2022 for doxing and harassment of an individual with the Loka and 1.9 PVP community. At that time I ran an active discord server with the main purpose of exposing members of the community I believed to be either pedophiles and or groomers. During all of this, I behaved quite recklessly and did not adequately make efforts to prevent or discourage potential doxing of the players being discussed. This would result in the player relevant to my ban ending up having his face posted in the exposé channel, and being allegedly doxed outside of the discord by other people. While the face picture posted in the channel itself was (at least to the best of my knowledge, both now as well then) released in a public discord channel by the player, regardless, I failed to realize the scale of how further publicizing it within the given context could lead to further infringes on the player's privacy, as well as lead to their face being used as a means to harass them. During my initial ban appeal process, I continued to behave both arrogantly and recklessly, vehemently denying any wrong doing, which is something that I can look back retrospectively as a huge error on my part that likely only worsened my case and reputation among some members in the community. This was all around 2 years ago when I was 16 or 17 (I genuinely can't remember), and I have moved on and matured since. Now that I'm 19, I can firmly say I regret the way I handled the situation, and I apologize for the problems and harassment I had either directly or indirectly caused the relevant individual.

To make it very clear, I never personally aided or encouraged the doxing of this individual, and while I still maintain my belief about the nature of the individuals actions that caused the initial expose, I still am deeply sorry for the reckless way I handled the situation, and the consequences that unfolded because of it, both towards the individual, but also as the example I set for people. The discord server itself was in use until fall of 2023 when I started college, and I have made efforts to be both more professional as well more cautious when I deal with these very heavy and important topics.

I would like to now apologize to both the Loka community and staff team as well as the 1.9 PVP community as whole. I apologize for all the completely avoidable incidents and drama I caused, whether directly or indirectly. Additionally I apologize for the poor example I set as someone with even the smallest audience, and I deeply regret how my reckless actions could have further influenced other members of the community to not only do the same, but even go further, to the point where they legitimately endanger any person's privacy or even livelihood. Lastly I would like to apologize to the Loka staff team for how brazenly I dealt with my initial ban, and I hope that any headache I caused did not paint too much of an everlasting image of me.

In the 20 or so months since my ban, I have slowly distanced myself from the larger 1.9 community, mainly due to me entering college and taking on more meaningful responsibilities. I truly believe my perspective has changed since my initial ban and I again apologize for all the inconvenience an immature and overexcited 16/17 year old me caused. Like I have mentioned I am in college and do not have too much time to play Minecraft anymore, regardless I still want to occasionally play and interact with the Loka community again, even if it's just for one or two fights. Loka was a cool experience for the time that I played it, and I hope to in part, revisit some of those memories in the future.

Again I would like to apologize once again to the staff team and to the Loka community

Thank you for reading and considering this appeal.

I decided to include the link to my original appeal in case any of it is relevant for whatever reason. It was made prior to Loka staff informing me off the more specific reason for my ban.
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+1 he deserves to be unbanned, its been awhile and he does seem sincere abt it. I think he deserves a second chance


Active Member
+1 you have gained a very mature opinion of what you did, outlining the things you did wrong and showing how you have changed. I think an unban after this long, and with such a strong appeal, is fair.
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