[A/N: This is an extremely long chapter, so please, don't read it all at once. More specifically, it's 23 pages of google docs text, the longest chapter I've had to date...Good luck. Also, I'm not responsible for any tears caused by this chapter. I, myself, nearly cried a few times while reading it. Without any further ado, enjoy chapter 8!]
Chapter 8: The Arvik Beachhead
Tee stood on the first deck of the Oakheart, bound for Ascalon. The salt spray coated his face and he laughed as he hung off of the ropes leading up the main mast.
“Having fun up there, mate?”
Tee looked down to see a rugged Garaman staring back up at him. Tee hopped down and apologized immediately.
The Garaman laughed it off, wrapping his arm around Tee’s shoulders. “You’re Jed’s boy, yeah?”
Tee gulped, but gleefully found Xovious walking up to him and the stranger. He clapped Tee on his free shoulder and turned to the Garaman. “Mars, let the poor guy go.”
Mars laughed, but let go of him regardless. Tee looked between the two men. “Oh!” Xovious shouted. “I suppose you haven’t met Mars yet.”
Tee shook his head, confirming Xovious’ suspicions.
“Well, this is Mars the Glorious, the leader of Vantis and our Southern allies.”
Tee turned to the man and stuck out a hand. “A long way from home, aren’t you?”
Mars gripped Tee’s hand in return, crushing it in his steel grip. “You don’t know the half of it. I’ll admit, I’ll take the chance to get out of the heat, but it’s still quite muggy here.”
Tee withdrew his hand, rubbing it as he estimated a total of three broken bones. “You should move to Kalros then. It’s quite enjoyable this time of year.”
“I may be bitter about the heat,” Mars spoke once more. “But I’m not crazy.”
Xovious and Tee started laughing when others joined the group. Xov placed a hand on one of the new members of the conversation. “Tee, allow me to introduce you to Companion. He leads the town of Kaldrsvell, another town in the Asmund alliance in Kalros.”
“Nice to meet you,” Tee said as he, cautiously, put out his hand. “I heard the you guys have the second best fighters in the alliance, only bested by Arvik.”
Comp laughed and turned to his compatriot standing beside him. “Haha! Did you hear this kid, Long?”
Long didn’t respond as he had a purple vegetable in his mouth.
“What are you eating?” Tee questioned.
Long took a quick bite of the vegetable, smiling as it was still stuck between his teeth. “Eggplant! Want some?” he asked, offering the half eaten vegetable to the young wizard.
“Uh, I think I’ll pass.”
“Fine, suit yourself,” Long said, as he took another bite of the eggplant. “More for me then.”
“Cap’n! Land ho!” a sailor called from the top of the mast above the small group of comrades.
“It would appear we will be docking soon,” a low, gravelly voice lamented from behind Tee, making him jump out of his skin.
“I suppose so, Iyo. Good to see you again,” Companion called out to the Thief Lord.
Tee turned around to see the Thief Lord’s disheveled hair, and dark lines radiate from under his eyes.
“Good morning, Tee.”
“Uh...hi. You-”
“Just woke up? It would appear so. A thief has to take every opportunity to grab a few Z’s,”
“Well,” Xov chipped in. “Once we land, we’ll set up a few tents, so everyone can get a few good hours of rest.”
Everyone in the small group mumbled in approval.
“Perfect. In that case, I’m headed back to bed.”
Tee went to wish the thief a good rest, but he was already gone. Where does he get off to, and so quickly too?
The boat shook as it had run aground. Two sailors hopped off the ship and landed on the Ascalonian docks, using some thick rope to tie the boat’s mast to some poles on the shoreline. A soft thud rung in Tee’s ears as the anchor hit sand. He knew they’d have to clear off the boat soon, as Oakheart still had to make two trips between Aladra and Ascalon within the hour. Already, Xovious was toting three crates filled with various weapons and gunpowder and carrying them over the gangplank. Tee ran up to him, noting how precariously the top crate tilted to the side. “Here, let me take one of these from you.”
Gratefully, Xovious relinquished the third crate, but winced when Tee nearly dropped it into the ocean, surprised by the weight. Xovious shook his head and laughed. “You’re definitely Jed’s boy, alright. Now move along! We’ve got over a hundred more crates to unpack!”
Jed stood on the Oakheart as it was bound to leave from Aladra’s docks once more. She gazed out across the ocean. Somewhere out there was her apprentice, preparing to die.
A hand on her shoulder spooked her, and she got the whiff of alcohol. Oh no.
She turned around to see Bacchus and Falksi hand-in-hand, both clearly drunk.
“Heyyyy Jed!” Bacchus slurred. “How’s it goinggg?”
She gave a warm, welcoming smile, but shook her head in disappointment. Was she surprised? Not particularly. There was rarely a moment where she didn’t see a flask at either of their mouths. Even when brewing, they weren’t afraid to...try some of their own product.
“It’s going...well, I suppose. I’m not looking forward to this fight, if I’m honest.”
“Have some alcohol, my dude! It’ll take some of the edge off, I promise,” Bacchus stated before belching.
Falksi drunkenly nodded her approval, handing Jed a small flask filled with, what she assumed by the smell alone, was strong absinthe. “You’re both idiots,” she said, before snatching the flask out of Falksi’s hand and taking a long, unbroken swig.
“Chug, chug, chug!” Bacchus started chanting. Jed brought the flask away from her mouth and wiped her lips. She looked over the flask, a small present she made Falksi for the holidays. She was glad to see that she was definitely using it. Jed let out a low chuckle and handed the flask back to the girl wrapped in plant matter. Jed leaned up against the docks, already feeling the effects of the alcohol. Damn it...I have to *hic* sober up before the fight.
“All aboard!” Jed heard the captain call out. Good, they were leaving soon. Now where did she place her sword?
Tee looked over the dozens of campfires that had been set up and hosted hundreds, if not thousands, of Asmundians around them, each telling tales of previous battles of conquest or sharing details on recent sales. Whatever the topic of discussion, barrels of ale were strewn all across the ground as alcohol was sloshed everywhere. If there was one thing that Tee had learned about the typical Asmundian, it was that they loved their mead.
He smelled meat off in the distance, as pigs (gifts from the Garamans) and lambs were roasted over spits. His stomach growled in response, he’d find himself a spot soon enough and chow down.
A rough, blonde haired man stood beside the young wizard. “It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it? So many people, willing to die by your side, but still simply men and women, enjoying some good grub and ale.”
“Indeed. It’s a shame it’ll be replaced with pools of blood by tomorrow.”
“Well, what a way to put a dampener on the evening, Tee.”
Tee turned to his unnamed companion. “You know my name?”
“You don’t know the half of it kid. After assisting in the deaths of Kallious and Bat on the walls of Auru, you’ve been all the rage of Asmund: The Unsung Hero.”
“Well, I’m flattered, but I can’t say I did much in that fight. Hell, I had run away like a puppy with its tail caught between its legs in the beginning of the fight.”
“Sure, that’s what you say,” the stranger stated. “But it matters that you went back. It’s the first thing that needs to be taught to a soldier, that there should be no fear of death and you should give it your all...and yet, you taught yourself that.”
“If you’ll excuse me, sir, I didn’t fight, just to fight. I fought for my friends.”
The stranger laughed and clapped the wizard on the back.
“That shows you have something to fight for. Even better.” He turned to the wizard. “The name’s Stampen, by the way. Nokia’s right hand.”
Tee shook his hand in awe. “Nokia of Arvik? That’s a high and mighty title, your battle accolades set aside.”
“Tell me about it. Now then, let’s get you some food, shall we? It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”
Jed smiled in the distance as she saw her apprentice settle in with key figures of Asmund. Around the small campfire, she saw the laughing faces of Bacchus Markov, Falksi, Nokia, Xovious, Stampen, Benged, Iyoforeayo, Shadow, Mars, Macus, and some unnamed soldiers she didn’t recognize under the low firelight. She stepped over to the fire and found her apprentice, a slab of meat hanging out of his deprived maw.
“Can we talk?”
“What’s up, Jed?” Tee said as they walked away from the comforting light.
“I want to-” she started.
“Look, if this is about the food, I’m sorry I didn’t offer you any. My stomach was thinking, not my mind.”
“No, just shut up for a second, you dolt.”
Tee gulped, not expecting such an abrasive response. What had he-
“I like you.”
Three simple words that got Tee to stand at attention. Did he hear his High King correctly?
“As a henchmen, or something, right?”
“What do you think?” she said, a rosy blush spreading across her cheeks.
Heat radiated across the young wizard’s face, but he wasn’t holding his trusty wand.
He couldn’t think straight, his vision blurred, his tongue was tied and…
She said too much. She was such a fool and she ruined a friendship at such a pivotal time. Why did she ever let Bacchus talk her into such a thing. But now it was out. Tee knew how she felt.
“I’m so sor-”
A kiss stopped any further comments from the Wolf Mother.
“You talk way too much.”
Jedoi stared into kind and caring eyes that stared back at her. She knew she could not only entrust this man with her life, but also her heart.
He placed a hand between them. “Now then, if that’s all, can we go back to the campfire? I’m starving!”
She laughed, but hand-in-hand, they walked back to small fireside group where they were greeted with cheers, congratulations, and a round of raised beer mugs.
Over the roar of the surrounding soldiers and leaders, she heard Bacchus shout to Falksi, “Ha! You owe me three drinks, now!” Falksi cursed under her breath and the group erupted into laughter, having had a vague idea of the bet that occurred between the two.
Jed happily sat down among her compatriots, eager to grab some food for herself. She felt a hand wrap around her shoulder and pull her in close. She rested contently on the wizard’s chest, listening to entertaining bar tales that Falksi and Bacchus had to tell, time fading into the night, the fire burning down to no more than an ember. She felt a kiss on her forehead, followed by a, “good night, Jed.” That would be the best night of sleep she had in centuries.
Eldritch’s Champion saddled his horse a half mile away from the camps. Spurring his horse on, Skuhoo rode on towards Eldritch, determined to stop Asmund in it’s tracks. If they wanted to fight, he’d fight.
Tee wasn’t a dreamer. Ever since he had come and joined the Lokans, he found that he lost most of his ability to live in that state of semi-consciousness, even if he knew he was sleeping...almost. Sure, he had the occasional dream, usually just him and Tenebris running through the Moor, or him brewing a new potion that rarely ever worked, if he tried it again the next day.
But tonight was different. This dream was vivid, something it would take awhile for him to forget. It started off simple and sweet: him and Jed walking hand-in-hand across the docks of Auru, headed off to who knows where. Tee went to go face his love during the dream, but found her face was devoid of features. What was once her piercing, purple eyes, was a black void of nothing. In fact, she started melting away from Tee, along with all of the landscape around him, leaving him in a cavern of darkness and nothing.
Slowly, however, he noticed not one, but four dull, glowing strings pulsing in and out of view. The more Tee focused on them, the more they formed into shapes. They weren’t just strings; they were chains.
Four chains, fading in and out of existence, bound to a single person hoisted over a pit of lava. Tee tried to call out to him, but was immediately crushed by the effort of doing so.
“All in due time, Tee.” the man called out. “All in due time.”
Tee woke up in a cold sweat, the scent of lamb wafting into his nose. Instead of jolting up awake, he remembered that Jed had been at his side all night long. Checking for her presence, he noticed she wasn’t there. He panicked, but was greeted with a warm smile and an even warmer pan.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” she called out to him. “I made you breakfast.”
“I can see that,” he said, sitting up. “It smells delicious!”
“Thank you. And get dressed too. Xov wants us at the meeting soon.”
Right, the meeting that would determine their battle plan. Tee looked at Jed, hoping that they could stay on the backlines. As tempting as dying sounded, he just didn’t feel like dying today.
He grabbed his sword from where he set it beside a tree for the night, and found his Sunstone Staff lying right beside it. Picking the two weapons up carefully, weighing them in each of his hands, balancing them as if they were equals.
“Stop playing your toys, Tee.” The wizard glared at his High King who only laughed. “Go get washed up. Breakfast will be done in five minutes.”
Jedoi watched as her apprentice travelled to a nearby lake to wash off, ignoring the ever present smirk of Cryptite as he leaned up against the nearby tree.
“You’re a lovebird.”
“Shut up, Crypt,” she said as she pointed a carving fork at the fallen Vanir.
He placed his hands up defensively. “Look, just stating the obvious. About time you confessed to him.”
Jed turned back to the lamb, heat spreading across her face, not from the nearby cooking flame. “How long have you known?”
“No one goes out of their way to get a wizard his cherished wand.”
Jed went to say something, but she noticed Crypt was gone. She cursed his name, and jumped when he reappeared taking a small bite of the lamb she had prepared. “Delicious. Oh, by the way,” he started, mouth full of food. “Keep an eye of Arcanus Oblivio. It’ll make you proud today.”
With that, he was gone, leaving Jed confused once again. Tee’s blade? Did Crypt just say that Tee would be able to kill someone with it, or did he mean something else entirely?
Little did Jed know that Crypt meant the latter.
A well timed, overhand strike struck Xovious’ Bloodrune, but was awkwardly bounced off out of harm's way.
Another swing, barely glancing off the blade, red sparks raining to the ground, daring to set the field alight.
“Once more!”
Tee, frustrated but glad to have a quick lesson in fighting, sent a shockwave through his teacher’s arm with his agile uppercut. He rapidly pirouetted, striking the other side of the blade, knocking it out of Xov’s cramped hand. Xov rubbed his wrist before bending down to pick up the blade.
“Well done, Tee. A bit unclean, but nice pirouette.”
Tee nodded, his hard work having gotten noticed. He heard his High King clapping somewhere in the distance, as Nokia trailed in behind her.
“That was some fancy footwork, but one small mistake will get you killed on the battlefield.”
“Nice way to encourage a recruit, Nokia,” Xov bantered.
“Hey, if he wants to learn, he’s going to have to learn the hard way.”
Tee, frustrated and cocky, drew Arcanus Oblivio and pointed it at Nokia. “Then teach me.”
The thrill of a fight sparked Nokia’s dark, brown eyes to life. “Tee, I don’t think that’s such a wise idea,” Xovious suggested.
“Nonsense. If the kid wants to learn, let him,” Nokia said, drawing Ashrune.
The two men stood face to face, swords clutched tightly.
“I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?” Tee asked.
Nokia gave him a wicked grin in return. “Oh, hell yeah.”
Xov shook his head, but hand up a hand. “Three! Two! One! Begin!”
Tee didn’t even get a chance to swing. Nokia quickly stepped forward, using Ashrune to knock Arcanus Oblivio to the side. He stepped far enough forward to hook his right foot around Tee’s left, pulling Tee’s left foot forward and throwing Tee off balance. Nokia caught Tee’s cloak by the neck with his left hand, suspending the wizard in midair, then brought the tip of Ashrune inches away from his throat.
“I think we’re done here,” Nokia said, before releasing his grip and allowing the wizard to drop to the ground.
Giving a little “oof” as the wind was knocked out of him, Tee scrambled to get up. He looked at Nokia and, cautiously, sheathed his blade. One day he could take on the skilled swordsman, but today was not that day.
Xovious gripped the bridge of his nose, but sighed in relief as he noticed other Asmundian War leaders joining the group. “Perfect, now let’s start the meeting.”
Jed walked up slowly to Tee, unsure still where they stood, or what was appropriate, and he seemed to understand that and keep a respectable, albeit still close, distance.
“Nokia,” Xov started, turning to the Arvikian. Nokia simply held up a hand.
“Say no more. You need me and my troops to keep Skuhoo and crew off of the scrubs. Consider it done.”
“Well, that’s saying it bluntly, but yes. We’ll need you to hold off the stronger Eldritchians so our troops can storm the lamps.”
“The lamps?” Tee whispered to Jed.
Oh yeah, she thought. He’s never been to a conquest fight before. “I’ll explain later. Just shut up and focus.”
Xovious turned to Iyo, Ben, and Stampen.
“Stampen, I’ll need you to keep your guys rushing the golems. Once they’re feeling charged, form a turtle shell around them and attack the lamps.”
With a grumble of agreement, the blonde man turned and went off to find his soldiers.
“Ben, I’ll need you guys in the sky, sending us information at the front lines and war camp. Iyo, have your men stick to the shadows and catch some enemies by surprise. The more dead by the unseen blade, the better,”
“Nature Girl and Beast Boy, where are you at?”
Bacchus growled, but Falksi curtsied in front of her king. “You’ve called?”
“Yeah, you drunkards. I’ll need you guys doing what you do best.”
“Which is…?” Bacchus started.
“Drinking?” Falksi responded, excitedly.
“Not quite,” Xov sighed, disappointed. “Serving. I’ll need you guys topping off our soldiers with Nollo’s and Tee’s potions.”
“Yes sir!” they shouted in unison, before running off to find the crates filled with potions.
“So, Xovious, where does that put us?” Tee asked, awaiting his orders.
“Glad you asked. Jed, I’ll need you and some Aurulians to watch our backs. Make sure we have a way out incase shit hits the fan.”
“Yes sir.”
“And Tee,” he said, scrutinizing the young wizard. “Find Kallious. Kill the bastard.”
Tee nodded triumphantly. “Yes s-”
“But that doesn’t mean you get to die. You have a lady waiting for you.”
“But Xov, the Artifact-”
Xovious shook his head, his eyes trailing off towards where Falksi had run off. “The Artifact is not a granted. Do not rely on it’s ability to bring you back in one piece.”
Tee gulped, not sure what he meant.
“Son, it’s plenty easy to die. It’s much harder to live, but make it so.”
He clapped Tee on the shoulder and turned back to Nokia. They went off, drawing their blades and rounding up their regiments.
Jed slipped her hand into Tee’s, noticing how stiff he had become. “Don’t worry about it, Tee. You’ll be fine. Don’t let Xov get inside your head.”
Tee shook his head. “Jed, what did he mean the Artifact doesn’t always work?”
Jed glanced at him darkly. “He could be referring to many things. For example, you remember studying The Blight, right?”
“Yeah, the thing that stopped the Artifact from reviving people, but I thought that’s been gone for centuries.”
“Well, yeah, but people still go missing all the time. For example, a few years ago Falksi’s father went missing, and no one knows why.”
“And Xov?”
“I’m not entirely sure. Something tells me he lost someone else too, as most Lokans do, but he’s always been very silent about it.”
Tee gripped Jed’s hand tight. Without looking her in the eyes he made her a promise that she intended to hold him to. “I’ll always find my way back to you.”
She smiled, squeezing his hand back, ignoring the chuckling of a nearby fallen Vanir.
Skuhoo stood on the nearby hill, his men preparing beneath the lip of the peak, hidden from the Asmundians view. Kallious and Bat stood beside him, viewing the preparing Asmundians, some of them sparring, as if that would help them prepare for a Covenant member.
Skuhoo scoffed. “So Nokia decided to show his face on Ascalon, huh?”
“He’s not the only one, Sku,” Kallious called.
“Yeah, Xov and Stamp are here too,” Bat chimed.
“What do you think, Borne?” Sku asked the Hiloan hanging just out of the group’s site. Borne cursed under his breath, but stepped into view of the small group.
“I’ve heard Kaldrsvell is also showing up, so we’ll have to deal with Companion and Longfellow as well.”
Sku nodded silently. Hip had overheard parts of the conversation and also joined in. “What about the young wizard, Tee Alduin?” he asked.
“What about him?” Sku queried.
“Don’t even start with him,” Kallious barked. “He’s a joke.”
“That’s a load of bull,” Sku said, darkly laughing. “He got you and Bat killed.”
“Yeah, because he had some help from the,” Kallious shivered, like the name of the people alone was bound to kill him, “Aurulians.”
Bat nodded, but a frown played across his face. “Do not underestimate him. In the time of adversity, he’s quick to strategize.”
“Well,” Sku said, glancing between the two, “Will one of you take him on? I’d rather have someone I can trust fighting him, than him slaying a few dozen soldiers before someone cuts him down to size.”
Kallious stepped forward. “I want revenge. I’ll do it.”
Skuhoo grinned. “Good. Now then, it’s time to spill some Asmundian blood.”
“Asmundians!” Xov bellowed over the gusts of wind that had picked up around the battlefield. The Asmundians grew nervous as they occasionally saw an Eldritchian cross the top of the hill. In their nervous chatter, they drowned out the commanding call of Draekonfell’s High King.
Tee took his Sunstone Staff and slammed it into the ground, shooting a massive fireball into the air. The Asmundians instantly silenced, stopping their petty conversations, and stared at the young wizard. “I believe your commander has something to say to you.”
Xov smiled, glad that Tee was on his side. “Indeed, now listen up!
“Today we fight Eldritch, hoping to secure ourselves a sliver of territory in Ascalon. If we win this battle today, we could end this long, forsaken war!”
There was a roar of applause from the Asmundians.They had been fighting this war for much longer than Tee had been around. He could understand, with the amount of funds, and lives, that were poured into this war, many would be eager to end it. Tee hadn’t been a big part of the war, that much he knew, but if he could help end it...if he could have his name go down in history…
“You have your assignments. Follow your Captains and we’ll easily win this fight. Are you with me?”
“Yes sir!” everyone answered.
“I can’t hear you!”
“YES SIR!” they responded.
“Good, now get ready. Eldritch is coming.”
Sure enough, the Eldritchians were cresting the hill. Sku held up his hand, waiting to signal the soldiers forward and Xov did the same. Sku’s sapphire blade, his M9 Bayonet | Doppler shimmered in the sunlight, while Xov’s Bloodrune gave off a blood red sheen. Perfect opposites when juxtaposed to each other, and yet, here they were, ready to go to war. Tee’s heart stopped, the world falling silent, despite all the soldiers screaming and charging past him. One word, one command, and all hell broke loose; a cry for war that resounded on both sides of the battlefield. A word that shattered Tee’s reality, forcing him to realize just how blood hungry the Lokans can be, despite having the same, tragic backstory.
Jedoi charged beside her wizard, gripping Mother of Auru, her gifted shield, tightly. Anytime a soldier went to swing at the two of them, Jed would block the blade and Tee would drill his blade right into their opponent’s heart.
The duo twisted and turned, cutting down soldiers left and right but, despite their efforts, were barely making a dent into the Covenant army. The soldiers unorganized in fear, quickly got a grip on the situation. They turned on the two lovers, poised to attack.
“Crap, we have to-!” Tee shouted, noticing the turning of the tables a bit too late.
As the blades went forward, a dark shadow swept in front of Tee and Jed, deflecting blades and striking down those brave enough to stay in the fight.
“Quaz!” Jed yelled, happy to see the captain.
“Captain Quazister! It’s good to see you mate!”
Quaz turned to face the wizard. “You’re a fool, you know that? Scram, before you get someone killed, kid.”
Jed went to object to Quaz’s harshness, but Tee grabbed Jed by the hand and cut their way out of the pocket of soldiers. Few soldiers tried chasing after them, all of which were deterred by Tee’s flames.
Jed saw soldiers dying all around her, the confusion of conquest settling in on her. Tee grabbed her shoulders. “Get a grip, Jed. Where are we needed?”
She nodded, understanding the direness of the situation. “We need to go find Kallious. The sooner he’s out of the way, the better.”
“Right.” Tee turned, bobbing and weaving between stray sword strikes and arrows. One strike landing in his shoulder, creating a deep gash across the top of his back, but he shrugged it off, only focused on moving forward. Jed admired his determination, but still showed worry.
As they kept running, they heard the bellow of the Ascalonian. “‘Allo, loves!”
Tee stopped dead in his tracks. Jed glanced over and noticed he stood atop the territory generator, the thing they were fighting so hard for.
“By the Lamps!”
Tee saw him even without Jed’s warning. It was hard not to. Stones devilishly swung back and forth as Kallious dropped down and strut towards them with ease, no soldier daring to touch him. Tee placed his hand in front of Jed. “Run, go back to your troop and hold down the escape route.”
“But Tee-” she started.
He gave her a look, fear dancing in his eyes. “Jed, now is not the time to argue. Go!”
She nodded, and took off. Kallious gave a low sounding whistle. “Protecting your girlfriend, eh? Let’s see how far she can run.”
Kallious raised his hand, a line of archers behind him readying their bows. Tee noticed that the small volley would shred Jed to pieces...unless.
“Fire!” Kallious ordered.
“I was thinking the same thing, Kall.”
Kallious turned, seeing the wooden bows ablaze, rendering them and the hands of their wielders absolutely useless. “If you want something done right, I guess you’ve got to do it yourself!”
Kallious shrugged Sticks off of his shoulders and nocked an arrow, aimed right for Jed’s back. Before he could release it, another arrow flew into sight, knocking his arrow to the side. Tee looked to find the source to see Falksi standing far away, holding her trustee bow Tree Whisperer. She gave Tee a quick thumbs up, before taking a swig from a flask in celebration.
Furious, Kall unsheathed Stones once more, advancing on the wizard. Tee steeled himself, preparing for an onslaught of strikes. Sure enough, they came quickly, and without remorse. A wide, overhand arc here, a short but lightning fast sweep there, a snappy uppercut destined to break someone’s bones. Tee caught every strike, but staggered back each time, the collision of the blades sending shockwaves through his entire skeleton.
This isn’t going so well, Tee thought. If I don’t attack now, Kallious is going to wear me down and kill me. On the other hand, a quick, unplanned strike could leave me vulnerable to a lethal attack.
Tee, with some quick thinking, separated himself from Kallious with a wall of fire. He slowly back away, flexing his wrist. He cursed under his breath.
“Leaving so soon, love? Come on, the party’s just getting started!”
Kallious rushed through the flames, Stones poised to strike the young wizard through the chest.