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Generator Bugs

The creation of generators still isn't fixed. Unless players aren't supposed to be able to create them anymore. If that is the case... well you all smell. Bad.
Since we're on the topic..

I've been told there will be a limit to how close generators can be built to each other. This will be to prevent someone from building one just outside a town and extending protection inside the town to basically make that land useless. But I have a question...

What about building a generator on land that someone else is building on and has claimed, but has not bought and activated a generator. Or they have built one but not activated it yet. Is that legal?
Only you would think of something like that Zor.

Afaik there's no such thing as 'claimed land' until you build a generator on it. So while it's shitty, I can't see why it would be illegal or whatever.
Alright thanks.

And that's kind of my job. How many rules have been created and bugs patched because of my actions? :P
I would like to make the point that if someone had something built you cant put a gen there, only if its unused land.
Well you could just as easily rob them dry then murder then occupants until they leave. That's probably cheaper than buying a generator and has the same effect.
Plus you still have to have 3 people to set one up, so you can't just renegade build them everywhere.

Which does bring up a thought I had. Are generators actually checking to see if you own any other towns, or can you willy-nilly just pick three names from a hat and stick them inside a generator to make your own? It seems like the process of making one should involve some input from the other two owners, kind of like an everbody-stick-your-key-in-and-twist situation. Plus what stops you from making a generator, adding two randoms, turning it on, then removing those two randoms?
Yes i want the generator to require 3 home town members (which can include the owner) before it turns on, and to do this the players do have to be on to set the town as their home. Then if the town drops bellow 3 home town members you lose protection, but i would want it to stay up for a short period after it drops to give time to find a new member (5 rl days or a week?) With regards to how many towns someone can own i would say 3 is a good number.
Because you own 3 Mag?

I'm fine with that limitation as long as it can be overriden for special circumstances.
Well it seems 3 is the magic number, as its 3 home town members required as well. I think someone should be able to own more than one town, if there are decent arguments for only owning 2 towns id be happy to give up one of mine. Personally, regardless of my situation 3 just makes more sense to me. Also as the owner can only be the home town member of one, he/she would need an extra recruit in his/her other towns for the gen to turn on.

I dont feel that the size of the town should affect the number of home town members needed because to increase the size you must have built in most the protected area. Therefore if 3 people can build a giant town, let them, they will have enough trouble balancing gathering money to run the gen, and building. It would therefore be in their interest to recruit more players anyway but don't force them to.
I am not sure about gen costs atm, what i want is the gen to tell you how many days it will last and how much it costs per rl day. We will need to discuss how much gens should cost soon, probably will happen same time we make changes to currency.
Asy told me the formula but at the time it wasn't correct. I think it is now but generators are displaying the wrong numbers which is very misleading. It was something like meters ^ .4
Some generators, specifically hidden_caverns are not reacting to an attempt to delete members. The command goes through, it says member deleted, but the member never is removed from the member array. No errors in console are thrown either.
Are the names using capitals because we have had issues with it being capital sensitive for a while. Some names just wont remove for some reason.
Not really worth mention or note BUT:

I have about three to four misplaced blocks near my generator that I cant get rid of. Just my perfectionism coming through but is there any way to get them gone? :lol:

Takes worldedit to clear out any blocks on your gen.

As for the caps thing, according to scooter, doesn't seem to matter either way. Doesn't sound like she can remove anybody from her gen.