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Generator Cost Changes


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Currently, all towns have a base cost of 50 shards per real life (rl) day and the cost increases for every territory you control. Now while we like this system we feel the increase in cost per territory is not enough to offset the huge benefits from industries. With the current system a town could control an entire continent and fund it with the output of their industries alone. We like industries being strong but this is a bit too strong for our liking. On top of this with resource islands being added it is now easier than ever to accumulate wealth.

Therefore we will be increasing the cost of holding territory. This is unlikely to affect those with less than 20 territory, only those that have claimed large chunks of the map. The new formula for working out the cost each new territory will add to your gen cost is as follows. (G = number of territory you own)

round(ceil(G /5) * ceil(G/5) / 5 + 1)

This may not mean much to many of you so here are some examples to make it clearer.
A town with 20 Territories did cost 100 per rl day and now costs 100
A town with 40 Territories did cost 230 per rl day and now costs 295
A town with 60 Territories did cost 440 pre rl day and now costs 760

The other change that we will be making is changing how costs work with alliances to bring them in line with single towns. Currently, alliance gen costs are all calculated individually per town which results in a much cheaper cost overall if the alliance had the same number of territory as a single town. Now the cost will be an alliance-wide cost and the lead town will pay for it all by default. However, the lead town can choose to split the cost between the towns of their alliance however they like. This should provide more flexibility with how they want to manage their empire. (there will be a few restrictions to prevent a town having a large cost dumped on them and running out of shards in a day or two)

These changes will be implemented when the next conquest cycle begins. I know it sucks that the cost will go up by a lot for those with large amounts of land but it should not be as easy as it is atm to control so much so cheaply. We will monitor the changes closely and take all feedback on board. We can always adjust things if there are any problems.
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