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I don't think many people even like fissure, because of it's size and how basically none of it is flat besides 3 parts of the map. I'm not saying just completely remove fissure, I'm saying to at least remove a day from fissure cycle so that cove has 3 days and fissure has 2. I think I am speaking for majority of people that do go gankisle so I'm not just speaking for myself.
I think you may be overwhelmingly reading into Zachary's personal brand of humor here...

It's worth mentioning that the total choices in such a poll are simply A or B. A poll might solidify that people like Cove more than Fissure, but as you said it doesn't beget us removing it. We're more likely to just make a 3rd Zyre Isle some day, and will still be adding normal Zyre to the rotation as it stands. Like with the ranked arena map pool, you kind of need a good handful of maps before you start excluding the bad ones. We just have 2 right now.

Do you like 1 or 2 is not a very useful poll and canonizing its data by officially posting and pinging for it on the Loka discord seems like a waste of time if we don't actually intend to do anything with that information. People are always welcome to post polls on the forums all the same.
As much as we would love to see another map, it still doesn't fix the problem that a good chunk of fissure is just unplayable to where players have to run to an area that is. There's a lot wrong with the map which is why i believe it needs a redesign. Also your poll doesn't have to even relate to cove to where people would pick one you should do a poll getting the whole servers thoughts on if fissure is a good map, if they play it, and if it's as bad as a lot of people say. That way you can determine if something needs to be done.
It's okay for staff members to try to make jokes.

For what it's worth, over approximately 15,237 deaths (excluding /kill) on Cove/Fissure over the past 1 month:
- 7,818 - Cove (51%)
- 7,397 - Fissure (48%)

So take with that what you will when claiming nobody plays Fissure.
Gankers cry when theres no ganks dont forget.... (this is completely unrelated just wanted to point out the obvious)