I think you may be overwhelmingly reading into Zachary's personal brand of humor here...
It's worth mentioning that the total choices in such a poll are simply A or B. A poll might solidify that people like Cove more than Fissure, but as you said it doesn't beget us removing it. We're more likely to just make a 3rd Zyre Isle some day, and will still be adding normal Zyre to the rotation as it stands. Like with the ranked arena map pool, you kind of need a good handful of maps before you start excluding the bad ones. We just have 2 right now.
Do you like 1 or 2 is not a very useful poll and canonizing its data by officially posting and pinging for it on the Loka discord seems like a waste of time if we don't actually intend to do anything with that information. People are always welcome to post polls on the forums all the same.