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No Plans to Implement Get rid of tnt at fissure/cove (or do something about it or a nerf)


New Member
I feel like tnt can be very very annoying at cove for it's instant kill abilities. I think it's very overpowered because a player can just jump in a 1b1 with a shield and just place tnt above you and block your pearl and u just die because it is instant death on an explosion if you are in the tnt. I think a nerf to make tnt at cove is the better option because tnt is just very overpowered.


Community Rep
-1. Unlike crystals before their nerf, tnt takes time to explode, it's a very reasonable utility item saying most players just dig away from the tnt or never get stuck in a hole with tnt in the first place.


Well-Known Member
In the vast expanse of a digital world, where blocks form the very essence of existence, there lived a spirited and adventurous kid named Cossassis. Known for his curiosity and unwavering determination, Cossassis embarked on countless ventures, each more daring than the last. But none would be as memorable—or as explosive—as the incident with the TNT in a hole.It was a bright and pixelated morning when Cossassis set out, pickaxe in hand, with a sparkle in his eyes. He had heard tales of an ancient treasure buried deep beneath the layers of stone and bedrock, guarded by puzzles and traps. With his trusty map, scribbled with notes and X marks, he ventured into the unknown, his heart pounding with excitement.As he delved deeper, navigating through caverns illuminated by the eerie glow of lava and torchlight, Cossassis encountered challenges that tested his mettle. From dodging skeletons armed with bows to outsmarting creeping creepers, he overcame them all, his resolve as strong as diamond.Then, he stumbled upon it—a suspiciously plain-looking hole in the ground, with a sign that read, "Treasure Below, Beware!" Cossassis, with a chuckle and a shrug, thought little of the warning. "How bad could it be?" he mused, envisioning chests filled with emeralds and diamonds waiting for him just a few blocks down.With a leap of faith, Cossassis jumped into the hole, only to hear the ominous hiss of TNT being ignited. His eyes widened in realization—the treasure was a trap! In a frantic scramble, he tried to build his way out, blocks stacking in a desperate bid for survival. But it was too late. The explosion was monumental, sending him flying back to the surface, his screen shaking from the force.As he respawned, staring at the familiar sight of his spawn point, Cossassis couldn’t help but burst into a mixture of laughter and frustration. "I can't believe I fell for that! A whole TNT trap? Really?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief and a hint of admiration for the cunning design of the trap.Though defeated, Cossassis's spirit was far from broken. As he collected his tools and prepared to set off once more, he muttered under his breath, "Next time, I'll be the one setting the traps. And they'll be even better." With a determined nod, he ventured forth, his mishap with the TNT in a hole becoming a tale of caution and humor shared among friends and fellow adventurers.The story of Cossassis and the TNT trap lived on, a reminder of the risks and rewards that come with seeking adventure in a world where anything is possible. And though he complained about his explosive misfortune, it was with a sense of pride and anticipation for the next great adventure that lay just beneath the surface.