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GhostOfImu (Andrew) for Slicer

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New Member
+1 Andrew is one of my most trusted friends on the community, he’s loyal and he had never been rude to Anyone. we both work as a duo. We’ve always Ben together we are such a great duo. I would love if he gets slicer.
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Well-Known Member
+1 i love andrew, he's kind, helpful and he has the knowledge of the server, he should be slicer for sure. +1


Active Member
+1 deserved slicer he has been a real good sport in the guide chat and teaching new people loka! i think in all conclusion he deserves this title


New Member
I have been talking almost every day with him and he is a very fun person + he has good knowledge about loka and it is always great to talk with him.
(look at sav nomination in here: https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/xsavfx-for-slicer.7160/)
  1. +1 Andrew really deserves it.I always see him on the guide chat helping people out.He's the one who actually got me into loka and hes also a very nice guy to talk to.
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