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GhostOfImu's Player heads & Mapart sale


---------------------------------GHOSTOFIMU'S PLAYER HEAD AUCTION-------------------------------
the heads below are all for auction.Bids start from 4k each head and you can add up with 500 shards to outbid ur opponent.The heads up for auction are the ones listen below:

(the prices will be updated each time a new bid is made with the respective username)
olpx's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [7.5k buy now price]
danito's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [8k buy now price]
silentstormsix's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [6k buy now price]
jakeman5's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [8k buy now price]
javiwest's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [7k buy now price]
berdb's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [6k buy now price]
dzne's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [6k buy now price]
dae_'s head : (6k current bid) [player owning the current bid:NotMbappe] [7k buy now price]
offlined's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [7k buy now price]
goonq's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [8.5k buy now price]
monkeynick123ooh's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [6k buy now price]
xCheaterFx's head : 4k to bid (no current bids) [8k buy now price]
My other part of the market will be the maparts
All of the map arts below are listed by these prices:
4 item frame mapart = 3k
2 item frame mapart = 2k
1 item frame mapart = 1k

The maparts avaliable are the ones below:


If you wish to bid on the heads or purchase one of the maparts dm me
discord: krudobriner