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Rejected Giselbaer's Durability Viewer


Name: Giselbaer's Durability Viewer
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/giselbaers-durability-viewer
  • Show item durability numbers in color (green/white/yellow/red) depending on items state
  • Items that are at almost 100% show damage, not durability. For example, your diamond pick that was used 5 times will show -5, not 1556. Great when you're using the mending enchantment to fix your stuff and don't know the exact number you want to reach
  • Also show number of empty inventory slots; know at a glance if you can continue mining or should return to your chest
  • Shows the amount of time for your buffs to run out so you don't have to press E to check whether that water breathing potion lasts for another minute (can be turned off in options)
  • Play a warning sound when your item is about to break; stop losing your Efficiency V pick to not looking at the GUI. The warning will play when your item is at less than 10% AND less than 100

Reason: Because I love my armor HuD mod :(