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Gladiator Horses


Staff member
In order to better distinguish between the different seasons of PvP's Gladiator Horses, we'll be changing how they work soon. Used to be that gladiators could specify what type of horse and what type of particles they would emit. This, however, doesn't tell you whether that player was a Season 1, 2, 3, 4 Gladiator, etc.

Coming soon, all Gladiator Horses will change to be themed to their respective seasons. Stone Gladiator Warhorses, for example, will be grey and have stone particles involved, etc.

I'll also take a stab at making sure they're a little more stable. Probably will also allow some ability to /summon your horse if it's alive so you can teleport it to you, etc. Many rewards like gladiator horses, /pets and other things are also pretty old code and don't support name changes, so I'll be fixing that up too.


Staff member
Just haven't really gotten to it. I've been rewriting how the horse rewards system works. But I leave for Vacation tomorrow so you gladiators will probably have to wait until after next week to get your rewards.