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Goofeybtw Unmute Appeal

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New Member
Esteemed LokaMC Staff Members,

I humbly beseech your kind and indulgent attention as I pen this epistle to request a most gracious consideration from your esteemed selves. It has been a full quarter-year since I was subjected to the chastisement of a permanent mute on the date of 26th December, 2022. The cause of my ignominy was an instance of grave misconduct, wherein I made a boorish and uncouth remark to TurtlayNinja regarding his admirable physique, specifically enquiring whether I might partake in a tender stroking of his lustrous cock and bask in the glory of his chiseled abdominal musculature.

I do confess that my behavior was most deplorable and entirely unbecoming of a civil and refined gentleman. Alas, I fear that my demeanor may have given rise to offence and discomfort amongst the respectable members of the LokaMC community, and for this I proffer my profound and unreserved apologies. My words were, indeed, most unsuitable and deserving of censure, and I deeply regret that I allowed myself to engage in such impish and puerile conduct.

It is my ardent and earnest aspiration to make amends for my regrettable actions, to seek absolution for my inexcusable transgressions, and to earnestly implore your benevolent consideration in the matter of my permanent mute. I am mindful that my conduct has been deemed unworthy of the high standards of decorum and civility that are the hallmark of this esteemed community, and I acknowledge the gravity of my misdeeds.

I beseech you to exercise your magnanimity and wisdom in re-evaluating my case and to consider granting me a reprieve from my perpetual silence. I humbly submit that I shall undertake to hold myself accountable for my conduct, to conduct myself with circumspection and sobriety, and to endeavor to make a positive contribution to this august and esteemed community.

With utmost humility and respect, I remain,

Yours Sincerely, Goofeybtw


Active Member
+1 I've been friends with him for months now and he let his intrusive thoughts get the better of him. He's been going to therapy to work on it and im very proud of him!


Well-Known Member
+1 he is a man so mentally ill i can believe he might have actually written this without chatgpt


Well-Known Member
-1 I feel like you took the decision to take this appeal seriously, which is good. But, it’s a little TOO good and I feel like reveals your maturity and unchangable personally. It looks “serious” if you were to take it as a joke. This is why my decision is a -1 because I do not believe you truely took this oppruinity to become a better, reformed person. Also, I personally don’t think 3 months is enough for a perm mute. Let it bathe a little till his outter immaturity is washed away


New Member
-1 I feel like you took the decision to take this appeal seriously, which is good. But, it’s a little TOO good and I feel like reveals your maturity and unchangable personally. It looks “serious” if you were to take it as a joke. This is why my decision is a -1 because I do not believe you truely took this oppruinity to become a better, reformed person. Also, I personally don’t think 3 months is enough for a perm mute. Let it bathe a little till his outter immaturity is washed away
please stfu you have no friends bro unironically cares abt a lokamc appeal
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