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Gudbrandr for Sentry (Again!)

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Age: 16 (Born 1/24/1997)

Current rank: Slicer

Which rank you are applying for: Sentry

What you think is expected of this rank: Simply-put, Sentries are meant to keep order in chat and settle minor disputes. As a Sentry previously I also dealt with a significant amount of X-rayers, which I am still capable of doing.

Why you think you should become this rank: I have an understanding of the rules of Loka. Even if I do not agree with them, I abide by and uphold them. I have been playing for close to two years, so I am familiar with many of the other admins, as I was an admin when they were new players. I am prepared to uphold the Lokan rules, and carry out tasks beyond my rank's expectations.

When you started playing on the server: Circa February/March 2012

Time zone in relation to GMT: GMT-6:00 (Central Standard)

How often do you play (hours a day/week): At least 1-2 hours a day unless something comes up (I have a life outside my home)
My only issue is when you totally flipped and went beserk. We can't have that happening with people who are supposed to represent all that's good about the server. If that hadn't happened, I would probably offer my support.
adderman500 said:
My only issue is when you totally flipped and went beserk. We can't have that happening with people who are supposed to represent all that's good about the server. If that hadn't happened, I would probably offer my support.
I wouldn't ask for any of Mop's ilk to support me. I'd rather have no admin support than crooked admin support. I respect your opinion, though.
Cryptite said:
And yet you need some admin support to get promoted.
Of course, but I wouldn't want to be represented by a notoriously crooked admin, or his associates. I have the server's interests in mind by applying for Sentry.
Gudbrandr said:
adderman500 said:
My only issue is when you totally flipped and went beserk. We can't have that happening with people who are supposed to represent all that's good about the server. If that hadn't happened, I would probably offer my support.
I wouldn't ask for any of Mop's ilk to support me. I'd rather have no admin support than crooked admin support. I respect your opinion, though.

This seems very counterproductive :?
Gudbrandr said:
I wouldn't ask for any of Mop's ilk to support me. I'd rather have no admin support than crooked admin support. I respect your opinion, though.
When you have to work with us I think you may have to put differences like this to one side. I might also suggest that this kind of behaviour on your sentry application is a little counter-productive and actually mildly outrageous. I've never seen anything like it.
adderman500 said:
Gudbrandr said:
I wouldn't ask for any of Mop's ilk to support me. I'd rather have no admin support than crooked admin support. I respect your opinion, though.
When you have to work with us I think you may have to put differences like this to one side. I might also suggest that this kind of behaviour on your sentry application is a little counter-productive and actually mildly outrageous. I've never seen anything like it.
I can have a professional relationship with you and Mop, but I never see either of you, and I play through the late hours of the night. I do not have to like either of you, or agree with your behavior (not any more than you agree with mine) to have a professional relationship. That is just another reason why I believe I should be promoted; I can maintain a professional relationship if I need to.
Putting all of this drama aside, for which both parties are at fault, Gud would be better than any of the active sentries that we have now. He has been a successful sentry in the past, and now that he's active again it doesn't really make sense for him to not be a sentry.
Psychedelic98 said:
Gud would be better than any of the active sentries that we have now.
We are still learning how to best serve Loka. You don't just get promoted and know every little thing. Like a kindergardener just starting school will have less an idea of what to do then one who has been held back three times. (Not the best metaphor, I know, but it's all I could think of) I would assume anyone trying something new wouldn't be great at it at first.
We're not, not at all. But saying he would be better then all of us isn't very nice, true or not. We're still learning.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Psychedelic98 said:
Gud would be better than any of the active sentries that we have now.
We are still learning how to best serve Loka. You don't just get promoted and know every little thing. Like a kindergardener just starting school will have less an idea of what to do then one who has been held back three times. (Not the best metaphor, I know, but it's all I could think of) I would assume anyone trying something new wouldn't be great at it at first.
We're not, not at all. But saying he would be better then all of us isn't very nice, true or not. We're still learning.
I apologize, that was not meant to be an attack at you. I would say you're the best we have now, but you are still learning the rules and the ways of loka. Saying Gud was the kid that was held back three times is a little inaccurate, I'd say he did just fine during his "school", rather he's back from vacation while you were at summer school. Gud already has practice, and at the moment you don't. The fact is that he doesn't need to learn, and you do. His experience is valuable, and it's something that we need to recognize. Spawn camping.
I didn't mean he he was being held back three times.... I meant he has experience, but how can we gain experience without learning and making mistakes.. Like I said, bad metaphor.
MinecraftJedi127 said:
I didn't mean he he was being held back three times.... I meant he has experience, but how can we gain experience without learning and making mistakes.. Like I said, bad metaphor.
Mistakes are good for education, not for an unstable server. We have a fresh map and we are trying to build larger player-base. We need more experienced admins who don't only log on with MineChat, and who already know what they're doing.
Gudbrandr said:
who don't only log on with MineChat, and who already know what they're doing.
I don't only log on with Minechat!!
And secondly, if we can only have Sentries who know what they're doing...hey, that'd mean we can never get new Sentries! Great idea! We'll just be Sentry-less until some amazing, trained former-Sentry like yourself comes along. Wait a second, how did you get trained? Oh, yeah, at first, you weren't. You had to learn like the rest of us!
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