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Added Halo Hud


Active Member
Name: Halo Hud
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/halohud
Description: Halo HUD adds a small halo style indicator around the crosshair, showing player health and hunger. This allows players to quickly see the state of their character without looking down at the HUD.
Reason: This mod makes it so there is less distance between your crosshair and your vital HUD elements. This makes it way cleaner to see your health and hunger, since you have less things to focus on when you are playing. I absolutely love this mod, it has an insane amount of customization and pairs greatly with the custom crosshair mod and it was inspired by HUD elements from popular video games (also with the new relaxation of HUD mods I believe this would be a mod that fits those described fields).
Your not real


I have gotten no response in 9 days, and the staff have said they are gonna stop responding to random HUD mod suggestions if they are within reason... Do you guys think I would be fine if I just started using the mod?


Well-Known Member
I have gotten no response in 9 days, and the staff have said they are gonna stop responding to random HUD mod suggestions if they are within reason... Do you guys think I would be fine if I just started using the mod?
just wait, this isnt the only mod that hasnt gotten an answer lately, they do them in waves from what ive seen